The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so whats everyones spaceing like....

not how long you veg on the couch for but rather the space between your plants, i`ve minimal room between plants but rotate it so sometimes there bunched up and other timesthey have some room...

they seem to be doing fine under these conditions and the random fighting for light, i`d be intrested to find out how far apart and orclose together you lads have yours, from someof your pics it looks like there packed in there...


Well-Known Member
When drying bud I would avoid too much direct airflow
straight onto them. But make sure airflow is good. I hang
for at least a week and until they start to feel dry. At this
point i use paper bags for few days before the jars. The
paper seems to absorb a little moisture and are not airtight
so there is some air exchange. A few days or so of this then
into jars. I may even take them out again the next day if they
start to feel too wet. I also use a Caliber III hygrometer.
Can't recommend these enough. Digital temp and relative
humidity. I use it during the grow and then stick it in the jars.
Most cheap hygrometers will only show RH% in multiples
of 5 ie 75% 80% etc or they are just not accurate enough
They cost about €20


Well-Known Member
Mr Roobarb where did you get the Calliber III? I need to replace my cheap hygrometer.
But you will may find on eBay.
There's a uk growsupplies I will try and find
again on my lappy aswell but think it was
over 30 notes Inc their p&p


Well-Known Member
watched that extreme drug smuggling, man they are some ingenious basterds, the 1 i liked the best was the jeep with ramps to drive over the boder fence, fair crule what they do too the dogs.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
the upand down ones wouldn`t workthothe cars would tetter tottor at the top when they tried to drive over so they went and built bigger ones..... hahahaha laughed at that one......

some set ups, the tunnels were savage....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
watched that extreme drug smuggling, man they are some ingenious basterds, the 1 i liked the best was the jeep with ramps to drive over the boder fence, fair crule what they do too the dogs.

loved it up until the dogs... hate seeing kids or animals involved in shit like that..


Well-Known Member
shes not here yet...

come on you lot do you space out your girls or bunch them up together???
I only grow 1 or two plants so spacing aint an issue for me but if your using cfl its best to keep them close together.

Hope the postie calls tomorrow


Well-Known Member
ha i pissed my self when the pool table lifted up

loved it up until the dogs... hate seeing kids or animals involved in shit like that..
aii me too lad no need for it,

picked sum small buds of the plant last nite and microwaved um, good smoke cant wait for a proper smoke now

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
that was serious, the pool table.....

what i was drooling at was the BALES of weed in most of the wharehouses..

KANG you and me both dude, on the spaceing thing, its on my mind evertime i`m up with them, close together or far apart....

i squeeze them together for day then give them room for a day and seems to be working but theres loads of bud sites at the bottom that i don`t want to ruin by cuttin out light, they could do with a trim on the fan leaf front but at this stage i think that could be a bad idea, they have started (just in last day) to drop leaves...


Well-Known Member
yeah your better not cutting off the fan leaves ( i wish i had fan leaves ) its normal for the plant to drop leaves and yellowing as it gets closer to the end

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
never taught i`d say it... but hope she starts turning yellow soon...

looking good on that front, lots of red hairs and stuff.... some frosty fan leafs on the shanti, shes a serious producer this girl...


Well-Known Member
very nice mate, what breeder is the shanti?

Hey Iamaaror i was gonna start an auto to run with my next plant and was wondering is it ok to start the seed in coco rather than soil and second do i still need to add 2ml per liter of canna a&b even thos its a seed/seedling?


Well-Known Member
so its normal for all the fans leaves to turn yellow near the end.?
Yes unless you have been feeding it alot of N then you may not notice much difference, but at the end of the plants cycle it pulls the nutes in the leaves into the buds