hi dave same happened me just let them dry out then just give them a good drink they will be fine
haven`t heard a thing seen a thing, nothing... have it recorded so can watch it in peace and quiet later, turned the radio off everytime news is on so wouldn`t ruin it for me, and don`t worry you gave nothing away davegonna try watch some of the snooker myself. i heard higgins got a bit of a fright in his match, i didnt see it. its not lookin too good for doherty.
mine are around the same, not on deaths door but recovering, they need a good feed of grow and calmag again but i gotta wait til it drys abit before i can water again. ive just ran outta weed so ill be shuffling through a box of trim later to try and get a smoke by the looks of it
I use the trim to make butane honey oil everytime but i have trim leftover from my last grow cause i couldent fit anymore in the bottle when making the oil so lucky me i have a little to use at my own discretion! its not bad to smoke its even better when you have nothing else! i am waiting on a guy who has pineapple express and am gonna buy an oz if its under 400 euro cause i got stiffed the last half oz from a guy i thought was my friendaaahhhh the days when i have a box of trim to go through...... when you trim up kang and no matter what yeild, do you keep the keif for smokeing all the time? i`d rather smoke it than make hash, well for the first few grows anyways, now we only keep the frosty leaves? same dry and cure, i presume the keif will dry alot quicker than the buds so is it a good indicator as to the quality of your bud?
i dont bother with ec smokey. youre doin a good bit better these days by the sound of it![/QUOTE been 1 mistake after another Dave, so im learning a bit as i go, il be happy with whatever i get of this lot and hopefully round 2 wil go alot better,
i was getiing some of that curling under on me easy ryders cause my ec was way to high, dropped it from 2.0 to 1.3 and there going alot better now,
pissed off, can`t watch snooker, or captain america..... she wants to watch fuckin TOWIE....
the keif will give a little idea of flavour and potency but theres nothing like the buds, my keif has been in a biscuit tin with the lid off for a month so its well dry and ready for smoking,i know that one anyway, some lads are cunts like that, stiffing a mate is never ok....
i plan on smokeing my keif to be honest quite looking forward to the experience. would you say its a fair gauge of the potency of your buds?
i would like to dry and smoke as much keif as possible to give the buds a good dry and cure before i tuck into them...