The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
here is my seeds done them on loo roll put them into pots on tuesday and have them on kichen window as i grow out side not had very much sun but they are coming on wellIMG00391-20120402-1842.jpgIMG00393-20120402-1843.jpg

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
lucky you har hahaha, ah i can get bit home grown local, savage stuff, just can`t afford it is all hahaha... ah the shoe will be on the other foot come harvest..

thing is tho explains why spotter plane was buzzing about here yesterday..

and darren i have the same few seeds sprouted liveing in the window for summer, there fem blackjacks so going to take a few clones from them and plant about 20 i`d say....


Well-Known Member
mines are auto bubble gum i need to check on full name got them for free for putting a banner up on brainbox lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
what is it with everyone getting free seeds.... must have been away that day....hahahahaha..

that reminds me, wheres rory till i see about my enda pic....


Well-Known Member
Jesus on a stick, I am feeding at the moment at 1.5k ppm, the coco dried out a bit more than I had hoped for and when I measured the runoff it was 4.2k ppm lol, mad salt buildup. I am surprised this plant is still alive, and the weird thing is, it's the healthiest plant I have ever grown.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
iam, how much water are they takeing each feed, with the coco it runs out the bottom into trays? so you water until it runs out each time? watering until the coco is wet all round?


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's drinking 4 litres of water a day in a 10 litre airpot, I water with 5 litres to get some runoff to flush the salts out. But if I can't water the plant in time the pot gets too light and the plant falls over. Going to go with a 30 litre bucket next time so I don't have to water every 12 hours It's like a second job lol.


Well-Known Member
I am copying this guy for my next grow. I will do everything the same as him except the knex but this is the way to hit a pound with a single plant. And a pound will keep me in some for a good few months

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
in the sunny south east trek, they got a guy from here last week with 2 million, then last night got 4 lads with 650, is cleaned out..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
doing scrog myself next time also, plan is to clone the 2 blackjack for summer outside crop and keep 2 or 3 for scrog, think 2 is enough with the room i have.....


Well-Known Member
well said
got my self a 25 bag latest craze around here 1gram of amneasia lovely
bud for bed lol should be harvestin in 4/5 days cant wait

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just heard the guys they caught yesterday are heading to a special sitting of the court now... the coppers didn`t hang around there..


Well-Known Member
Imagine being the person who has to prosecute them, you know damn well that they are breaking the law, and they know they were doing that and making huge amounts of cash. But how can a person take away years of someones life for a crime which hasn't hurt anbody. I really don't understand how that judge can sleep at night knowing that they are locked up for some bullshit wording of the law.