The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member

yes as suggested to me by supersillybilly i`m doing a sog next round too...

whats we thinking on the outside grows lads, when they going out?
From clones or seed? I was thinking 9 plants 12/12 from seed would also yield quite a bit, but a lot more work as well.


Well-Known Member
You just grind up your herb (the finer the better) pop the battery in and inhale, and since your are not burning anything, it doesn't smell, so you can use it in the cinema, or on the bus etc.... it's all about stealth :d

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
bahahahaha.....nearly fell off the chair when i read the cinema or bus....

i`m getting 2 hahahaha..

reason for sog is space the 5 girls are going to go mental in flower on me, there already way too big so slight topping and flower asap...

going to be from seed until i can get the hang of cloneing and some space to grow them can`t sog and clone if you get me


Well-Known Member
Needed an adapter for the battery charger, but that was it. So low cost to use, all you need is a few watts to charge batteries for an hour. It's taken me 5 mins to write this after hitting that thing, jesus.


Active Member
wel lads,anyone one know how long it takes to get stuff delivered from bloomandgrow.i ordered stuff last monday week and no sign yet.


Well-Known Member
wel lads,anyone one know how long it takes to get stuff delivered from bloomandgrow.i ordered stuff last monday week and no sign yet.
They are moving shop at the moment, so that might have something to do with it. They moved up the road to the dublin industrial estate.

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
I think ill just save my euros for a digital ph/ec meter. ive some test strips ordered, which i believe are also kinda shit.


Active Member
cheers ror,that must be it,tomorrow hopefully
those are serious bulbs 86,wat watt did u say they were? were they pricey.