Nah man, Iv now 5 up and 4 to gothats how mine came up aswell, tight tight plants, how many have you down har? like 4 up how many more to pop?
was on the uk thread last night with the yorkshire man talkin yeild, he reckons 2 big plants better than 5 or 6 small ones, whats your opinions lads.
i think more plants more variety and after all that is the spice of life...
think he was more into the sale side so profit was a factor in his thinking.....
Jaysus we may start up a club. theres meself and urself, smokeydog and smiffy!. i read through a good few pages of posts before signin up. i live near a few of your driftin spots. i wouldnt be into it meself. i cant fuckin stand the noise of modified exhausts, bastards keep me awake at night!
I can probably help you out during the week when Iv some free time, Iv managed servers and websites and such, have some "amateur" scripting knowledge if there's something not working I can probably at least make it a bit better.if anyone is good at tec side of forums and you got some free time as i need help with mine pm me will not post my link incase am not allowed