The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Smiffy, would you happen to be from the south east. Im guessing by the amount of times you say "lad":lol:
BTW im not takin the piss, im from S.E.
ahhhhh laaad hows a goin.?? ha

just thought i show you guys some pics of my girls

my small scrog going to flip to12/12 within the next week
on the 3rd picture whats the lumps found at every node.?

DSC01184.jpgDSC01183.jpg DSC01173.jpg

Dont mind it droping its getting ready for sleep

some difference ten days of growth makes, during a transplant i snapped the root in half and planted it for the craic
topped it 5days ago



Well-Known Member
kang you are breaking the law mate, because you are now growing your own there are poor gangsters out there that now cant put petrol in there mercs. its a terrible crime you are committing, i sentence you to 1 hours community service and 5 hail marys!lol!
community service to be carried out gardeing in your grow tent.
lol lucifer am afraid i dont believe in fairy tales or religion that is even more true when the people pretending to be the voice of god are putting there penis in anything thats underage, another fine money racket is all i see the church as mate not that i have anything against anyone who believes just the people who are so badly brain washed they feel the need to brain wash you also

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
I best be careful so, ive been off all types of smoke about 2 n a half years now. thinkin of investin in a vaporiser, any thoughts?. also, how do you measure such small amounts of nutes?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
jingle there still vegging in essence, as there under just the 6500k lights theres no 2700k spectrum in there at all, plan is to let them go as is for 2 weeks more bringing it to a 4 week veg flower them then uder the 4oow ...

happy st patricks day dudes...


Well-Known Member
Yeah am sure theres gonna be some real drunk tools around today and kidz getting drunk but at least alcohol is harmless compared to weed thats why its legal right?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
some turkish weed meant to be about later... anyone ever heard of this?

let you know how it smokes laters, off now to try keep hold of three kids at a parade... wish me luck...


Well-Known Member
I best be careful so, ive been off all types of smoke about 2 n a half years now. thinkin of investin in a vaporiser, any thoughts?. also, how do you measure such small amounts of nutes?

i use a small syringe that u get with a bottle of kids medicine, up to 5ml


Active Member
have a good paddys everyone.

smiffy the thick bits at the nodes are totally normal mate, there is a name for them which i cant remember at the minute, i also had a plant with a damaged root and it was all yellow and stunted for three weeks, today she is flying. its mad how they can turn around!

600w dual spec, should get some nice veg growth under that jingle. i use the same for flowering.
well im off to get legally pissed, later lads!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
days like today wish i wasn`t a non drinker, everyone looks like there haveing fun about town...

good news, so just gave a quick look in on the girls, and wow they stink...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well apart from the ref makeing say three bad calls, the english had the game in the bag from 20 mins in really, the scrum was the big let down for me, they got pushed the lenght of the feild....

strains are shanti from ministry of cannabis and black jack from nirvana... smell awesome right now, :)

going to donate the other 2 seeds (blackjack) i have too a mate, he`s little down right now and i think a few plants would both cheer him up and give him something to do, youm know yourselfs guys, these little beggars keep you busy.....

have a small 6500k aswell to get him started so we could have another member soon....:)

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
Mornin all, hows the heads? I have some coco here and im waitin on some all mix soil. would it be ok to germ the seeds then then put them in coco filled peat pots before transferring to a bigger pot with all mix?. would this shock the plant or fuck it up in some way?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah can`t see why not dave, i normally germ in paper towel then when tap root is about an inch long place them in wet soil about 5mm under the surface, place tap root in first so seed head is at the top, never used coco just always use potting compost as is the most forgiveing medium to grow in, but the coco is just ground up coconuts so its an inearth medium if you transplant into coco you might have to give some nutes but best wait until the coco growers get here to be sure....


Well-Known Member

a little pic update. 4 days 12/12. The pics are just taken but done a bit of pruneing and tucking down last night( for the second last time). What u guys think. oh and the yellow leaves are from an older problem which is nicely fixed now.


Active Member
wel dave, i put my seeds into the rockwool cubes to germinate thurday night,but since i dont have xray vision i cant c whats goin on,sorry i didnt germ in paper towel so i could c wats goin on and then transfer into the rockwool starter cubes. Im only starting aswel so im far from being an expert but from wat i have read the less transfers the better, have you tought about germinating in paper towel and tranfer to a rockwool starter cube and then when she,s ready you can put the cube into your final size pot,dat way you only be touching the seed once.Or what you planning?As for the nuits i havent a clue, im goin nft and i goin to start 1/4 strength nuits when i get me first green leaves i think