The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
bub cush theey look like theyre doing ok, one of my bag seed are growing strtchy like that but more room for the bud to grow i hope.
lucky bang right page one!
jingle, the nirvana ppp and dutch passion euforia are half price in that little shop off crows street, think they only have regular left but even thats good. nice guys in there!
the ppp is a very strong grower, im doing them in canna nutes and soil and they seem to be likin it alright. the california orange is doing ok aswell but the dtuch passion 1 is not what i was expecting, quite a slow grower so lets hope it picks up in flower.
talk to yous later, i have to head out. but jingle dont be buying shit weed mate, what are you getting an oz? i havnt bought weed for a while sorry to hear about your last grow mate.

bub kush

i hope so to iv a pain in me hole buyen 2grams for fifty quid im smoken smelly hash til me grow is done whats the crack wit de garda chopper can it c me light 600watt hps a bit paro ha the weed im doen is lsd by barnys and critical i hope de fill out rite im useing coco soil canna coco nutes do i flush wit plain water and keep my ph 6.0 and ec 1.6 -1.7 wats the story like do u keep just feeding them nutes til the last 2 weeks then just giv them plain water r is it good to flush them during flowering nice 1


Well-Known Member
300 an oz lu. its all thats around. its that stuff that theres not much taste off it. its rank when u are used to smoking ur own nice smoke


Well-Known Member
Howard Marks was great last night, his talk was brilliant and funny too..
I asked him about his seed bank, he said he doesn't have too much involvement and leaves it to the professionals...

A very interesting guy I must say..


Well-Known Member
i hope so to iv a pain in me hole buyen 2grams for fifty quid im smoken smelly hash til me grow is done whats the crack wit de garda chopper can it c me light 600watt hps a bit paro ha the weed im doen is lsd by barnys and critical i hope de fill out rite im useing coco soil canna coco nutes do i flush wit plain water and keep my ph 6.0 and ec 1.6 -1.7 wats the story like do u keep just feeding them nutes til the last 2 weeks then just giv them plain water r is it good to flush them during flowering nice 1
hi bub.....wats the a newbi to indoor but had grown weed outside in south ireland with great sucess for last 3 years
at min im 4 weeks into veg wit barneys blue x 3 under 400 hps.1st of all garda chopper onlys flys in city estates when ther is a major issue funds are not there any more. and you would have to be living in complete dodge to picked up that way days are gone.the only grow advice i would give u is dont over feed it happpens so handy. keep it real and u will be fine man


Well-Known Member
feel ur pain wit the crap 2g 4 50 quid lol ansd im honestly smokin smelly hash waitin 4 crop.................... smoked me outdoor supply lol
what happened to the good slate that was on streets 10 y ago miss that stuff


Active Member
bub its upto you whether you flush or not, some do and some dont, myself i give a flush mid grow and then the bud normaly tastes lovely by the end of the grow. i flush about 3 weeks from harvest.
im lucky i dont have to be buying the old fifty bags, i have enough until this next plant is done, well hopefully. just been up to check on them and one had a phos def, i was using an old bottle of bio bloom and its just not getting any better. personally i think the bloom has gone off. i think it does happen, done my head in it has. ill have to go out tomorrow and get a new bottle. too late to switch to canna nutes now id say?, thats what i love about growing, theres always something that happens that lets you know your not as good as u think you!
watched a few of his vids on youtube and he does look to be a very funny guy jay, what else was he saying in the event?
300 isnt bad jingle, they were charging a lot more for worse shit!


Well-Known Member
What happened to the good resin you used to be able to get that actually got you high? I remember you used to be able to get about a gram for £5 (5 spot). Nowadays most of the hash just gives a slight slight head buzz.

Aye, the quality just ain't there anymore...if we all went big and dealt the country wouldn't know what hit it!


Active Member
my god harrekin thats going back a good while the 5 spots!, can anyone get any res lately, there hasnt been any around here for a good while and as long as everyone keeps paying 50 for 1.5-2grms there pros wont be much in the future.
not that id be getting any. best thing i ever did growing my own!
apart from the ak,ppp,california from nirvana, what other strains have any of you guys heard are good. dont know what it is but the nirvana stuff seems to germ and grow really well. not that dear either.
thanks harrekin only tried cos you said the ak were so good!

bub kush

harrkin more like a headache im in the ghetto ta poxy chopper always out im given them 1litre of water with nutes takes tat every 2-3 days as for the hash i first started smoken it was 100times better than the dirt out there today it used to be nice an yellowy now its black crap an like tar of the road true if we all done mega grows we wanna buy guns outta the funds to protect ourselves from the greedy cunts out there ha im goen to feed them 2nite if i get away with doen this il be sorted til my next grow just the thoughts of smoken me own weed an not buyen of any1 its amazing i hav 10 plants if i get 5 oz dry il be a happy man anything less i tink il c it as failing i hope it works thanks every1