The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive got about 5ft to play around with and i am trying the ccog method of Lsting which i beleieve keeps the height down a bit, The only reason i am veggin them for that long is the auto flower power, or would it damage that much if i lowered the lights to 12/12 while that was still flowering
Didnt get a chance to get pics tonight because of kids but will deffo tomorrow...anyway i love when i havent seen them in 2 days..can really notice the differance in the cheese after one day, never mind 2. and i have changed the lights aswell to 20/4 so i should really notice .


Active Member
didnt release you were doing autos, must have misread somewhere, thats why long veg cos they will flower themsleves. i dont bother with the autos cos they seem to be a bit smaller than manual seeds. just wait until you see them start budding then change the lights. i bet its more like 4-5 weeks though not 10 weeks, then another 6 weeks in flower 12/12.
cant wait to see your results jingle, very interesting to see how they turn out.
hope you get your seeds through tonto, fucking hate posties myself!!!!! thieving little shits.


Well-Known Member
Im just doing 1 auto along with the blue cheese and amnesia...I am hoping to get a cheeky harvest from it so its like a bonus round half way through my other grows...hehe


Active Member
JINGLE are you leaving them 70 days in veg! please tell me not so. thats a lot long to me fella, remember they double to triple in flower. you got big ceilings fella!
my blue cheese got very big after about 35 days veg, they may have been a one off but i dont think so. get your picks up .[/QUOTE]

I bought 5 ak47 auto or so i thought, 70 day's to finish, stuck them i 12/12 last week at four foot finding out they were not auto's, im fucked!!! double triple in size, they are in excellent health too..


Well-Known Member
What you guys make of this article?


"pH adjustment

Do not adjust pH of water or feed solutions for soil or compost.

De-chlorinated tap water is the best choice of water. Rain and well water can be used although we do not recommend it and de-ionised or distilled water should never be used. With the buffering capacity of soil and the larger and different pH nutrient availability range in soil environment, pH adjustment of any water or feed solutions is not necessary and only adds un-necessary elements to the water and feed.

Consequently there are no hard water and soft water soil feeds, just universal ones which will work well in all types of water."


Well-Known Member
And Jingle man, if you have plants vegged for 70 days indoors, please for the love of God keep at least one going for another few weeks then plant it outside when the weather picks up. If you have a garden and the will to do some hardcore LST/topping , you could have a HUGE plant the kind of huge you dont need to even explain to people cos they assume no cannabis plant can grow that large!


Active Member
harrekin i have never heard anything like that baout not phing water, sure everyone is doing it. are you going to keep phing your water. my tap water is ph 7 but i dont know if i would use that straight.
have to go out but will read article in full when i get back.
intersteing post.
like the kind of huge you dont need to even explain to people cos they assume no cannabis plant can grow that large


Active Member
Still for sale if anybody is interested .... Limerick area

Hi everyone !!!! I am selling off my grow room equipment due to a baby arriving in the house soon

I have a 600 watt hps system with ballast which converts to mh if needed ( 600 watt hps bulb included). This is on a yoyo system which makes it simple to move up and down
There is also a humidifier / Fan with plenty of settings and remote
Digital timer for the lights
Term / humidity indicator
Microscope for the Tric's
PH down
Canna PK 13/14
Plagron algie bloom
5 10 liter square pots
PH indicator test and prob another few bits around.

Looking for around 250 for the lot if anybody is interested im in the County limerick area and everything can be seen working before you buy ........

Genuine deal for anybody looking to start a grow for E250

This system was used to grow the plants in my signature just for a referance


Hey jingle , I have vegged mine for 60 days and have got some big plants Lucky I have only got two on the go as the Grow room 80x80x160 is a bit cramped have the light up to the very top . Have them on 12/12 past two weeks not showing much on the pre flowers growing as from pic 1, When normal will they take off .



Well-Known Member
Ok so here are the pics as promised. Still getting used to the new Cam so sorry about the quality.Pics 1, 2, 5 are off the cheese day 28 veg, 3, 4 are of the flower power Auto day 28 also and the last pic is the Lemon Amnesia, think that is day 14 veg. The couple of dead loking leaves on the chese are the first set that you told me about Lu. didnt want to cut them off, Should i. Think i might just have over done on the lastfeed of nutes on the flower power, feed on sunday night and tonight 2 tips are looking a bit burnt.

unfortunatley harrekin i wont be able to put anything out in the garden, nosey neighbours, would probably get away with a couple of autos but not a tree..As u can see i have started my ccob Lst on the cheese, started that on sunday and tongiht i already had to pin down a load of new growth in the middle, theis plant is going to be mad.

Willicco those plants look sweet, keep up the good work fella. your cat looks well happy in there...hehe

Any one any Q's or input...Much appreacitated

plants 006.jpgplants 007.jpgplants 005.jpgplants 004.jpgplants 009.jpgplants 003.jpgplants 008.jpg


Active Member
plants are looking ice willoco, but they are not finished growing yet, the tall one is still going to get a lot bigger, the main cola ill be about another 8-10 inches id say. thats why you should not veg for so long fella, your mad!. youll have to tie the light on the ceiling and i hope you live in a georgian house with 10 foot headroom!lol!
also when posting pics dont ever post a picture with anything recognisible to you, such as a cat which a neighbour may recognise. just put your plant up against a clear wall and then take the pic, you might think i am paranoid but thats all it takes for someone to recognise its you. i have a pet that got into one of my pics and i would not use it. cute cat by the way!
what light did you have them under for veg.


yea its a crazy cat loves the weed , true with the pics lu wasent thinking , veg'd them under one 250 watt CFL Guerilight lamp 24/7 got from seamus grow shop worked a teat, was hoping they wont grow any more under the HPS just fatten up . How long after 12/12 did ye notice it starting to bud up,, Cheers for the comps


Active Member
hi jingle, plants look like they are coming along, i see what you mean by the long veg now. the one tied down has bit of a way b4 it grows around, have you got the hps and cfl going?. have you been foliar feeding or bugs, just the holes on the leaf of one of the plants, only foliar feed when they are going to sleep fella. also have you started feeding nutes yet?
cant wait to see when the buds start shooting up.
i was looking at those pots and they were mad money in woodies. i have to repot one of my plants later as its grown out of its 11 litre pots, its about 4 foot and bushy as fuck so im not looking froward too it. wish me luck!


Active Member
willoco from when they go under the 12/12 they still grow for about another 2 weeks! straight up!. your gonna have some biggish plant there fella. this is the thing with the hps(2400k) and the cfl/mh(6500k). the plants that jingle is doing is very tight nodes and the ones you are doing are spread out (like mine). but its supposed to be the other way around based on what some people say. me and jay were talking about this a while ago, jay are yours tight at the nodes.
very healthy plants though wiloco!


Well-Known Member
No i havent been foiler feeding at all, The rip in the leaf was my fault, theat the trouble with round pots, i was turning them for the lights and one or 2 leaves got caught between the 2 pots. Ye i have been using bio bizz grow, 1ml per ltr. Ye i have been using both light. i have the 400hps directly pver the flower power and then the 250 cfl hanging down between the 2 others. I actually got the pots for nothing, one of my mates sister works in homebase so she slipped 4 of them to me.

Fuck me, your gonna have your hands full there. i really dont plan on repotting, I though i would have been fine with the my 11ltr pots...the thoughts of having to do that.....i really do wish you luck.


Was looking at the grow tent ,can unzip the bottom and prob raise up a foot someway if needed will have go tomorrow as they sleeping will be a pain in d ass . Looking good jingle

Lu had look at some of your pics on page 388 what hight and strain are they . Monsters LOl


Active Member
tight i think is best for you because it means it wont grow as long, tight just means the nodes(branches) are closer together.
tell me about it i am not looking forward to repotting but i know it needs it because growth is slowing. also water is not draining properly so i know its well packed in there.
yes they are big willoco and they were in veg for 28 days, they are still happy flowering away. the bigger ones are the serious white berry and skunk 11. the skunks like the leaning tower of piza at the miute, ill have to get more pics up. i also have another batch just gone into 12/12 and one of the wb and a magus are gonna be even bigger i think. only had them in veg for thirty days aswell, dont know why they are all growing so big?, not that its a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Well actually since I started using Biobizz I stopped using my pH probe altogether, Im gonna start doing Canna nutrients for the next round and Ill probably start pHing then just for the sake of it cos Iv never used chemical nutrients before.