The Irish Growers Thread!

Ireland marijuana laws are based on a three strike system. 1st slap on wrist and small fine, second a court appearance and maybe larger fine, third you could be facing time but is highly unlikely. This of course is based on amount you are growing. Personal use or dealing. Its quite easy to claim personal use though. There was a guy in wicklow i think the other week who got away with claiming 54 plants were for personal use. You just got to have a good excuse. Claim its medicinal if you get any trouble. Have a few difene lying around the house for back ache or something. Make sure a doctor can say that you have attended a surgery for some acute pain etc etc...

I think the most damaging thing about getting conviction in a court is reputation. Will your place of employment still want to employ you. In these days of the credit crunch there are thousands of people waiting to replace you any chance they get. etc etc...
exactly skywalker noting at all wrong with growing for ourselfs instead of getting ripped the whole time with shitty sprayed weed!
I think the cops are copping on to this too. A friend was recently in court over 10 grams and his solicitor had a chat with the charging officer and when time to speak came the copper said he only had a fivers worth and got away with putting 15 euro in the poor box. It all comes down to the cop involved too and how you present yourself. If your wearing a tracksuit, nike airs and a 90 degree baseball cap you'll probably have more trouble than normal everyday folk.
hey danny how can you start saying people should be treated diffently by the court just for wearing tracksuits really like that a joke soccer players wear them and baseball caps and nike does that men they should get jail and big ass fines every time they go to court?
right fair enough man but remenber just cause someone choses to were tracksuit doesnt mean there not normal everyday folk!!
Thanks for the advice and feedback dannyking and the danrasta, much appreciated.

Interesting how you mention the ‘3 strike system’ dannyking, I would imagine all the equipment would be confiscated along with the plants.................:cry:

But as danrasta pointed out, the commercial weed around Ireland is dreadful for the most part. Might as well be smoking oregano and Italian seasoning!
SunKissedBuds, B3NNY IRL, Richie LxP, lozac123, danrasta and fr3d12 THANK YOU!

I am almost ready for ordering for my first grow.

Two more questions:
Do you think ordering seeds from the UK ( could attract attention? What about getting the "Extreme Vaporizer" from the US (they will charge me duty/VAT)?
Is there a place in Eire that sells Barney's seeds over the counter? I am a bit worried about ordering online...
hey petrushka try your local head store for seeds they usually have a good selection!as for the vap man youd be as good to buy it here anything being shipped from america will more than likly cost a bomb even with out vat! and the attitude seed bank do a pic n mix section most the people here use them without any problem!
Neither the Extreme Vap nor Da Buddha are being sold in Europe. The only decent electrical vap that available here is the Vulcano that costs 2xExtreme and 4xDaBuddha, is inferior to either and looks like a bastard son of a a blender and a dishwasher.

I should have made it clear that the question is not about money. The problem with paying VAT is that I'd have to provide my CC# to Irish customs.

My concern are the authorities. And that applies to seeds as well.
well then what was the will they charge me vat about then? i dont kno to much about vap's man dont they all do the same thing why take the chance of getting one shipped when you could get one here! i wouldnt say the authorities are going to be checking your post out unless you give them reason to!
Alright man no bothers! yea like i was saying i cant see the customs being to bother with stuff like that it cost garda money and time to do a raid and they aint gonna do it vap and a few seeds they dont like to look like idiots coming away with noting considerin seeds nor vaps are illegal here!
seeds are legal over here, until u germinate them. so dont worry about ordering seeds online.
as for the vape, if anyone asks, just say its for tobaco, what can they do about it?
i ordered 3x400w hps lights from ebay,they came from germany and i had no probs with customs,i change the names when ordering sometimes like use the girlfriends and brothers name but with the same address,i also use 3v instead of a real cc.have you tried hydroponics ireland based in cork for the vaporiser.for anyone growing indoors how are ye getting on with the esb bills?
How much did you pay for the 3x400?
Orders within the EU are duty/VAT free. US/Canada is a different matter.
I'm ordering my equipment probably today split ca 30/70 between growland (Germany) and greenshorti(UK).

Whats 3v&real cc?

ESB is another worry again as is the infrared imaging.

lozac123 I know it's legal. Buying ingredients for explosives is legal too. But try ordering stuff for it online and you'll see what happens. The idea is not to alert anyone.
3v is a prepaid credit card and cc i think stands for credit card! fr3d12 me and my friend work it out that 12-12 for two months is around 50 euro for esb! as for the infared if your worried about that get your self a cool tube i aint got one but i plan on gettin one! you can vent it into another to heat that room saves money on heating
How much did you pay for the 3x400?
Orders within the EU are duty/VAT free. US/Canada is a different matter.
I'm ordering my equipment probably today split ca 30/70 between growland (Germany) and greenshorti(UK).

Whats 3v&real cc?

ESB is another worry again as is the infrared imaging.

lozac123 I know it's legal. Buying ingredients for explosives is legal too. But try ordering stuff for it online and you'll see what happens. The idea is not to alert anyone.
i paid 130euro for the lights including delivery and 3v is a prepaid credit card,you top it up like the phones and its endorsed by visa,you can give a false name when applying but you would have to give proper card :joint:
3v is a prepaid credit card and cc i think stands for credit card! fr3d12 me and my friend work it out that 12-12 for two months is around 50 euro for esb! as for the infared if your worried about that get your self a cool tube i aint got one but i plan on gettin one! you can vent it into another to heat that room saves money on heating
i pay about that on the 400w and a cooltube is a good idea,expensive but a good investment.we live in a country where its very hard to get stuff for growing without paying the over inflated irish prices,hence everyone shopping on the net