I was talking to them a few weeks ago, they didnt mention any guards and said that it was fully legit, that might have been before the raid though, although i am not sure about it because I know that in ireland, in order to handle industrial hemp you need a licence, but they said it was legal even after I asked them about it. As far as I know they dont have an industrial hemp licence so cannot therefore handle or sell hemp. perhaps they didnt understand the laws? see here (
https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/publications/2010/schemesandservices2010-2011/11cropsandhorticulture/) Like everyone else I'd love to not fear the law just for growing a few plants. But we will see if its buisness as usual or what? because if they can continue buisness then its all go go go for us to grow CBD strains. I can imagine they would be harassed by the garda anyway just because they are skirting the law.
have any of you been in the hemp shop in dublin? they grow hemp downstairs without a problem, maybe the garda just dont know about it?