The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Just got it on the tablet there man do you have to use bitcoin ???
Yup...kinda important lol get on localbitcoin exchange setup an account find an IRISH seller so u don't have stupid bank charges n you do a simple bank transfer, he deposits the coins into your wallet (you'll have one on localbitcoin exchange) you transfer it into your agora account n buy some drugs


Well-Known Member
Funnily enough bitcoins in general aren't actually anonymous lol all the info is stored n available to the public that's why you need to pass ur coins through a "cleaner" if u basically where coins are all pooled together n mixed up so nobody knows shit n then sent back but don't worry agora does this for u -she's in cahoots with bitfog (95% on it being bitfog) - when you deposit the coins to ur agora account (takes a while for coins to transfer so don't panic lol)


Well-Known Member
Funnily enough bitcoins in general aren't actually anonymous lol all the info is stored n available to the public that's why you need to pass ur coins through a "cleaner" if u basically where coins are all pooled together n mixed up so nobody knows shit n then sent back but don't worry agora does this for u -she's in cahoots with bitfog (95% on it being bitfog) - when you deposit the coins to ur agora account (takes a while for coins to transfer so don't panic lol)
Ill have to mess around with it for a bit to get but im sure i will ...


Well-Known Member
To google bud lol I'm fair high use to anyone but the wedding crashers on the telly box


Well-Known Member
Tent arrived, carbon filters 2 big for the tent so I have to sit it up in it but I've still more than enough space for veging a mom one or 2 clones at a time


Well-Known Member
On encryption, just got an copyright enfrengment notice fro my ISP. Use bittorrent looks like it wasnt going trough the proxy as some settings where switched of. ticked all proxy settings on but not working now. Anyone got a good proxy addres or what VPN is good?


Well-Known Member
On encryption, just got an copyright enfrengment notice fro my ISP. Use bittorrent looks like it wasnt going trough the proxy as some settings where switched of. ticked all proxy settings on but not working now. Anyone got a good proxy addres or what VPN is good?
B4 u go into vpns have you thought about streaming from sites like watchseries primwire you won't get fucked for being pirate! It's not the downloading they get you for its when you download you also 'seed' which means you're passing on pirated material to somebody else so a lil trick I use to do with utorrent is to turn seeds to a minimum about n had a program (find out the name for u later-peerblock)that blocks known government n bad guy ips from your computer . besides that I think u get 3 warning n then they kill ur connection for a biggy


Well-Known Member
If u wanna download I suggest looking for a quality VPN that you pay a lil subscription for otherwise u can find free vpns but their slow to fuck n always have a ridiculous cap on em..ghostdogalpha will know waaaay more about this than ipretty sure a regular proxy won't mask your true address when you're downloading. The VPN allows you to traffic all ur crap the I ugh their servers but again I'm sure I'll be corrected


Well-Known Member
Just looked at my proxy and it was transparent, chocolate firegaurd comes to mind.
I downloaded so much over the years unprotected and this is the first warning