The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
before i forget again, merry christmas to you lot, hope you all have a great day and enjoy it whatever or whereever you find your self`s......;)


Well-Known Member
Well it was a group of ppl so lots of ppl knew id say n if it wasn't that it was large scale op (they always exaggerate) they would have been caught under operation nutrition....ur fine.


Well-Known Member
i know some people wouldn`t give a shit ,but haveing the house spotless is a big part of the christmas for me.. just get hugh satisfaction when i`m sitting back to know its done..

new years eve is a quiet affair here, just the missus and the kids and me counting down the new year and stuff...
I completely agree! I love a clean house it just makes me feel better. What is the old saying; cleanliness is close to godliness.


Well-Known Member
Yeah merry christmas to all as well. I am blazed right now on some BLZ Bud! I am also full from eating so much; Bratwurst, hot link sausage, scallop potato's, ham, Brisket, Green bean casserole, oil filled potato's, red silk cake, turkey, turkey stuffing, mash potato's and gravy, Sirloin Steak, six different kinds of pie, and a lot of other food. My family does it right as far as food goes for christmas. No vegetarians in my family.


Well-Known Member
Could have sworn I already posted this but oh well lol... Gonna repot my 3 ladies today as the eldest has started to droop a lil n I watered em Tuesday so she must be getting 2 big for her boots so ill put 2 in 3ltr airpots n one in a reg pot (wanna compare) on another note the best gift I got was the packaging from a Ferrero Rocher triangle yolk its the perfect humidity dome for my next grow lol

EDIT, all went well, even pruned a few damaged leaves off the og kush n DOG, which they loved, the dog actually got her leaves up for me n all lol n I know not to go over kill, just pruned a few yellow leaves under the canopy that were dry n dead. Stunk up the bathroom, had no idea the smell would be this apparent so young lol oh well will have my filter on 24 hours next week id say.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
smell can be strong from the start of flower(end week 1/ week2) and theres no harm in removeing the dead/half dead leaves, some lads are against de-foiliation in any form .. me i`m a fan tho, its just like in the wild, some animals will eat on the plants so there must be a copeing mechanisium in there to help it recover, and most of the time once recovered as in most things it spurs it on either in flower production or resin production on the smaller flowers but you always get one or the other...

now i`ve no sceintific proof to thow up just from my experience growing and messing with plants from extreme de leafing to the bare bit and cropping etc...

so, hospital tomorrow should be last visit for few months all goes too you then guys...


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, hope the kids had a laugh n tomorrow goes well fir U. The dog loved it her leaves are sky high!


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I have been lurking around for a while and love this thread. Figured I may as well start posting. Hope everyone had a good xmass.


Well-Known Member
Hello R31@X. Nothing too exotic. Wardrobe...ish grow with 250w HPS in soil. Overkill extractor. I am test firing it at the mo with an Auto Blueberry at less than 2 weeks. All good so far. What are you up to?


Well-Known Member
Hello R31@X. Nothing too exotic. Wardrobe...ish grow with 250w HPS in soil. Overkill extractor. I am test firing it at the mo with an Auto Blueberry at less than 2 weeks. All good so far. What are you up to?[/QUOTE
What do you mean by overkill extractor? I've got a dr90 with 400w mh for veg n 600w for flowering with 5 ladies (one DOG FEM, og kush fem n 3 reg deep blues liver.

After ordering 100l of bio bizz light mix n canna plus soil so I wont be needing soil for a while n once my guy from England is up n running again after the new year ill be ordering my 5ltr of the canna range so I wont have to worry about running out of anything any time soon (I hope)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
where's the bud porn?

your a bit early... read back a few pages, were all at the early flower stage, just how the chips fell for the growers around here i suppose, but that will change in a few weeks i suggest you check back in with us then danny and we`ll show you what an irish fella and a bit of electric can do...;)

how goes all your side anyways? all good i hope, whats your setup and strain line up if you don`t mind me asking?