The Irish Growers Thread!

i`m in over my head when it comes to most computer stuff, as you seen with the torrenting and so, but i do like how you lot walk me trough it, your really on the ball when it comes to it and its something i really appriciate too...

i was in currys the other day priceing up tv`s for the girls rooms and seen they have vpn`s there on a stick... not sure how good hey are tho or the prices should have really but was sidetracked trieing to bargin down the sales fella...
Good soil and good water with lots of light.
Were you having to put up with the RIU ads all along?

yeah but there not as annoying as the ones on letmewatchthis or tpb ... you know the ones as soon as you scroll or search they pop up, there the type that pissssss me off...
Adblock will sort all that, it's better than any pop up blocker already installed on the lappy

be putting it on the other one aswell, its great not haveing pop ups anymore... they take the good out of surfing for films as i loose patience closeing them down, how goes the grow on your end fred? was it red poison?
The RP's are coming along nicely, I transplanted two of them this evening into 12L buckets I converted to pots,ran out of soil so will do the other when i get more, the buckets are 1.50 each in a local discount store and the pots are 4.99 so i went for the buckets.I drilled a few holes in the bottom so they are buckets no more:)
The pop ups used to drive me insane as well, everytime you clicked there was another one.CAM00308.jpg
Some rotten cunt has been walking across my plot of land to get to his, I didn't mind too much when he started leaving the gate unlocked ever so often, bit more annoyed when the lock for the gate went missing but now one of my potato plants has been walked on and is broken. Does anyone know where I can buy a bear trap that can be buried? :d
Some rotten cunt has been walking across my plot of land to get to his, I didn't mind too much when he started leaving the gate unlocked ever so often, bit more annoyed when the lock for the gate went missing but now one of my potato plants has been walked on and is broken. Does anyone know where I can buy a bear trap that can be buried? :d

Do you own the land outright or is it an allotment?
If he hurts himself on your plot because you put something down he will only be too happy to sue you.
Find out who he is and devise a payback that will let you keep your anonymity.
Some rotten cunt has been walking across my plot of land to get to his, I didn't mind too much when he started leaving the gate unlocked ever so often, bit more annoyed when the lock for the gate went missing but now one of my potato plants has been walked on and is broken. Does anyone know where I can buy a bear trap that can be buried? :d

couple of these on a bit of wire to pull the pin... frighten the shit out of him/her.. quite literally...hahahahah

cunt tho, i had it with a fella dragging the hose across mine lets just say he don`t do it no more, not me but another grower seen it and mentioned it too committee... he got a written warning ... they take that shit serious...
you can buy similar ones at paint ball shops/ or make them from shotgun shells(-shot).

realistic = dig a hole in the path cover it up = your checking the water level/double digging/soil test
Hellooooooo everyone! I have been held hostage at work. At work we had to build a new server farm, 12 racks, 10 terabytes of storage and 30 48 prort switches. Thats computer networking geek talk.
Hellooooooo everyone! I have been held hostage at work. At work we had to build a new server farm, 12 racks, 10 terabytes of storage and 30 48 prort switches. Thats computer networking geek talk.

Hi md,
Glad all is well with you.
So are you a computer scientist or what?
Hellooooooo everyone! I have been held hostage at work. At work we had to build a new server farm, 12 racks, 10 terabytes of storage and 30 48 prort switches. Thats computer networking geek talk.
How long did that take? And whats the power draw of everything on full thrust?
Not a computer scientist but a network engineer. It took me and 3 other people a couple weeks to get it all set up and then a few days of testing to make sure everything was functioning properly. I got a ton of over time, worked 14 days straight but I enjoy my job so it wasn't bad. As far as power goes we have fiber going straight into and we bought a ton of bandwidth and it fast as shit! And I am on call 1 week out of every month my company is 24/7/365 we never ever close.

I really want to start another run but we are expanding because we have another big client who's network we are going to take care of, its earthlink not sure if you have ever heard of them.

I need to go back and see all the posts, hope everyone is doing well and having great runs and hopefully there are some good pics in the posts I can like you guys's runs always inspire me to want to start another. I have been stretching out my part of the co-op as long as I can but the oz and half I had is down to a quarter now so it is crunch time. We are starting another run this week for the co-op this time we are going to run BLZ bud and keep the best phenos and clone them and do another run. BLZ bud is Super Silver Haze x G13 x TrainWreck
that sounds like a nice one cloudi, the cheese candy that is. I still need to pop that one myself but I am going to wait and see what you think of it.