The Irish Growers Thread!

Apicalshoot:9203672 said:
Greetings! New grower here. Whoop whoop! Some advice if possible guys. I started my babies under a 600W HPS, but they got schorched to death within hours. Now I have restarted more seeds and lifted the light up higher to try and reduce the heat. They are looking ok now, but seem to be stretching like crazy, and flopping over. Used some string to keep them upright, but I don't think this si the way it is supposed to be... Any reason for this? Do I need a didfferent type of light for seedlings? I think I read somewhere about CLF's or something like that. Just got some equipment of my mate, so I am at a loss here. Are there any good books out there that will help me! I am a bit paranoid as to where I go and who sees me when I shop for things, so I might not want to go look in Easons or something like that...

Thanks guys (and potentially girls)
Welcome man loads people here give great advice, search the forum I found lot answers and wrecked people's head on here everyone is sound hope your grow goes well


Active Member
Without any forcing it happens August/September, that's why it is such a terrible country to grow outdoors in. Even before the plants are finishing flowering it's ball freezing and raining all the time.


Active Member
That's a close call, I think you'd have to start them indoors just to get some size to them and put them outside towards end of August then hope for an indian summer.

*edit* meant to say start of August!


Well-Known Member
For outside no, im gonna start my fem seed for outside at the end of this month, then it will have around a month veg before flower. Now a month veg outside over here wont give you massive plants, but i grow for myself so huge yeilds arnt priority. I also have an auto started outside and am going to start another soon for 3 stagard outside harvests. I also have a vinilla kush(inside) thats going for the chop this weekend. Then ill be starting another inside woth major lst and topping. Stoned ramblings over ha
Smiffy2k9:9205224 said:
For outside no, im gonna start my fem seed for outside at the end of this month, then it will have around a month veg before flower. Now a month veg outside over here wont give you massive plants, but i grow for myself so huge yeilds arnt priority. I also have an auto started outside and am going to start another soon for 3 stagard outside harvests. I also have a vinilla kush(inside) thats going for the chop this weekend. Then ill be starting another inside woth major lst and topping. Stoned ramblings over ha
Yeah man I'm same some personal smoke I be happy cool we usually have good weather sept-Oct when the kids go back to school always seems to be sunny haha can't wait till I'm stoned


Well-Known Member
Now if you want 7foot plus plants in a greenhouse you need to start them out no later than mid march start of april. No matter when iv harvested fem seeds outside, its always been the week before halloween when i have my first harvest


Well-Known Member
the little co-op came down and is almost done drying we guestimated the yield to be around 7oz but only about 1/2 oz of the very purple green crack.

ppgc.jpgpurplegc.jpgcchh.jpgreename.jpg now is that purple or what?


Well-Known Member
That purple looks beautiful, love coloured buds like that. Did you drop the temps or did the colour come out naturally?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
morning fellas, another slow day today, after getting a couple of days work and back into the swing of doing something now its back to searching and looking for work...

its shit but hey what you going to do, iam hows the veg plot dude? not too much to report from mine damn pigeons are wrecking the gaff tho haahahaha munching on the leaves of most things there...

the indoor garden is comeing along too, hh are in small pots now and working on there second node, the kush`s are plumping up nicely too but still small at node 4 i think, there going into final pots tonight, thats the usual 20 litre soil hempy style...

so now, fuck all to do and all day to do it, so think its a joint and a cuppa time...;)


Well-Known Member
Good stuff on the work front, any day is better than none at all.
When do you intend to start your hempys on the cal mag?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
never needed it fred, or any ph up or down or any of that stuff, just soil and straight nutes, switching basic nutes as they get flipped etc.. i say basic as there just the standard bio bizz stuff, bio baby for veg and bio buzz for flower...