The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful man, that`s spreading the love right there. No one I know of around me for me to send cuts to ... I end up composting 50-60% of my cuttings for that reason. Chernobyl is a nice one, the Qleaner and and AoS and pretty bangin`too. Hope all else is well at your camp Jenks, ATB

KC :weed:
mdjenks:9172552 said:
@dublingrower: Ah man I wasn't trying to rain on your parade, like I said I hope I am wrong. even if it is a hermie you can still grow buds because it will be female and male and fems sometimes herm out just move them away from the non herms if that happens to be the situation.
I'm on ball watch jenks keep checking so far no gonads =)


Well-Known Member
yeah i was a little bit like that 1st time years ago, but after youve shot your 1st defenceless animal and they cut the fucker open rip out its liver and make you eat a piece because its your 1st well after that its just easy lmao

wana shoot a giraffe next time im out there, cost bout 1500quid or maybe a zebra 800 (tourist prices anyway) but seeing as i dont have to pay i may just shoot both for you!
never before have I heard sooo much brown come out of an arsehole.... Utter crap mate...

I'm on ball watch jenks keep checking so far no gonads =)
just looked back at your pics mate. They seam fine mate.. Couple more days and you'll know for sure..
best of luck...

planting my outdoor girls today... Hopefully they finish up before the wet and windy weather sets in later in the year.
(really should buy some autos)

hope everyone is doing well


Well-Known Member
Good to hear the progress Jay, this summer will be a record breaker. The yields will be through the roof, think positive. I seen a lot of lads on my allotment using a clear plastic tarp to keep the rain and bugs off their plants, it doesn't block too much sunlight but keeps them nice and dry (and probably more mould free)


Well-Known Member
never before have I heard sooo much brown come out of an arsehole.... Utter crap mate...

whats utter crap dickwad? you can shoot any animal you want over there they all have a price even things like rhinos, the eating of the liver i do think was more to wind up the the 1st timer than anything else tho.

but if ya gonna try make out im lieing well think you need to get ya facts right first twat....

i was in SA for a month a year ago and ive been quite a few times, ask half the uk thread i was sending pics n vids!


Well-Known Member
Good to hear the progress Jay, this summer will be a record breaker. The yields will be through the roof, think positive. I seen a lot of lads on my allotment using a clear plastic tarp to keep the rain and bugs off their plants, it doesn't block too much sunlight but keeps them nice and dry (and probably more mould free)

Hopefully they'll take in this good weather, there is suppose to be another hit of good weather at the end of next week...

Water butt is empty so now using tap water for the girls, which they don't mind so much...
My room has been neglected the last couple if weeks with almost losing the lot by lack of attention and water..!!

from this evening on wards things have to change !!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm on ball watch jenks keep checking so far no gonads =)
haha.....that made me laugh, glad to hear you aren't getting any balls that is good news. my last run I f'd up because I got cocky and didn't calibrate my meter so my ph was way off and 4 out of six died but I had one elephant stomper and one hippie headband as healthy as could be they looked beautiful and then the balls came and down went my excitement and chop chop they went.

What I saw in your pic must have been new leaves just starting to form, sometimes they can look like balls at first. good luck friend!

Oh and the tude promo is the 7th not the 6th, my bad.......16 hours.


Well-Known Member
I need to watch shadow dancer again the mother in law came over to visit so her and my wife were yappin it up and i couldn't pay attention to the movie so I will need to watch again when I get home from work. It was a bit slow at first but seemed to pick up at the end but the details is what I need to know.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Yeah Shadow Dancer, watched the trailer someone posted earlier, looks good. ALTHOUGH I'd like to see a movie about Ireland that featured its many and varied positive aspects. I liked '' Waking Ned ''


Well-Known Member
Yeah Shadow Dancer, watched the trailer someone posted earlier, looks good. ALTHOUGH I'd like to see a movie about Ireland that featured its many and varied positive aspects. I liked '' Waking Ned ''
Waking Ned was good.
In Bruges and The Guard are good Irish movies also.
mdjenks:9174643 said:
I'm on ball watch jenks keep checking so far no gonads =)
haha.....that made me laugh, glad to hear you aren't getting any balls that is good news. my last run I f'd up because I got cocky and didn't calibrate my meter so my ph was way off and 4 out of six died but I had one elephant stomper and one hippie headband as healthy as could be they looked beautiful and then the balls came and down went my excitement and chop chop they went.

What I saw in your pic must have been new leaves just starting to form, sometimes they can look like balls at first. good luck friend!

Oh and the tude promo is the 7th not the 6th, my bad.......16 hours.
I'd actually be devastated if I had to chop, all the effort Gone into it like, suposse if you've loads of them going it ain't too bad if I was only left with two I would actually be a Lil depressed haha


Well-Known Member
There bruised there battered but there still going I'm calling them lowrockys there a fighter haha it had to of been the heat out my garden have them in a spot that gets a breeze but they seem to ok, iddy biddy flowers
Looking well man, this weather will do them no end of good...


Well-Known Member
I had a look at my girls this evening and two days after the black spots appeared they are a lot worse now,the black in my opinion now seems to be phos def and they also have what looks like an iron def.The leaves are blackening and crispy.
I only flushed them a week ago,since then I've only been feeding light with formulex until the soil fully drys,I'm wondering if I gave them too much cal/mag and it has locked out phosphorous?
Soil ph is a little over 7 and there doesn't seem to be any bugs other than ants near or on them.
One of the plants although sick has grown 2-3 inches in 2 days,if I can sort her out I know she will be a big yielder.


Well-Known Member
@dublingrower: a pic of jack o'nesia I found


I put this pic on here because I expect to see some grow reports from dublingrower and all the pics I researched seem to be uniform so I hope he has the same luck!


Well-Known Member
The Jack in the pic looks really nice,I bet it's a lovely smoke.

I have almost finished downloading all the pararescue episodes,I'll get some blank discs today and watch over the weekend.
The surviving the cut's are proving a lot slower to download but I'll get there eventually,definitely looking forward to watching them all.