It was literally a secure phone line with witnesses who were on that line. The recording was deep-sixed in a highest-level there is server and only released after a whistle blower filed a report that the Trump team tried to deep six along with the recording. There is not a single authority including Trump who disputes that it is him who was talking on that recording. Not a single Republican on the Congressional impeachment comittees say anything like what you said. You are just making this line of defense up.
Regarding the process, Trump was given the opportunity to present a defense on his part and refused. This is all a matter of record.
Mid way through you your post, you pivot away from denying he even talked on that phone to the criminal lawyer's defense line of if he did do it, it was legal. That is not for you to say. It is for Congress to determine. They brought in some of the best authorities in Constitutional law who testified that what Trump did was in fact an impeachable offense.
I get that you don't care about National Security and just want Trump in office. This blows holes in Republican claims that they support secure borders. They and you don't give a shit about anything but Trump. You guys are nothing less than provincial monarchists.