The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Yeah. because it's all fake from both sides. Pretty obvious by now. Democrats aint did shit and they can say they were preoccupied with Trump. Trump aint doing shit because he can say he's preoccupied with democrats and we will repeat this shit until earth ends. And now they just accuse each other of shit they all do (and do together). Although I'm gonna call it now. Trump dog walks the democrats in the next election. You're in an echo chamber here. View points from the right get you banned quickly here. Part of the reason I can't stay away. It's hilarious that the thought of sticking your head in the sand can make that mean president go away!
trump is an admitted serial sexual predator and belongs in republicans out
The country is doing well in so many ways, but there’s such divisiveness.
Just because BK is going to pay you $15/an hour eventually and the rich white people you aspire to be are doing well economically doesn't mean this country isn't turning into a flaming racist shithole that is losing its allies and standing in the world.
No I’m not partisan. I’m anti establishment/anti interventionist. Laissez-faire on foreign policy. This is why Bernie’s plan has so much support; because this is how most of us younger than 40 feel.

Many viewed Hillary as just as much an establishment figure and war hawk as trump.
Your youth betrays your ignorance. What the fuck have you lived through? We are genuinely scared because we have seen the consequences of Republican rule like Reagan releasing all the nuts and cutting mental health funding, both Bushes with recessions and wars, and this clown Trump fucking over the deficit(tax breaks for rich), farmers (trade war), the military (reallocating funds to the wall and betraying allies, reviving ISIS), and children (immigration debacle). None of that had to do with Russia except the Syria Turkey stuff but all of it benefits Russia. Other nations are filling the gap from our lack of produce exports to China fucking us over in the long run. Russia and China will be the biggest players in Africa the Middle East and South Asia. Domestic Terrorism is on the rise in support of white supremacists and secessionists.

Good job you idiotic malevolent clowns.
Also , apparently the Fat Orange Baboon extended an open invitation to his Dark Sith Master : Putin.

WASHINGTON — The White House has chosen President Donald Trump’s resort at Doral, Florida, for the next Group of Seven summit of world leaders during the homestretch of the 2020 presidential campaign, White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said on Thursday.

In a defensive press conference, Mulvaney insisted that the president would not profit ( eyeroll ) from the decision to host all seven country delegations on his personal property for the annual summit June 10-12.

And he raised the prospect that Trump would invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend.
Fuck out of here if this were a subway car in NYC people would have pushed you out or punched you for talking stupid and crazy.
Pokerjay is taking a break from the site, the last I heard and is back on his meds, don't respond to him and hopefully he will stay off and get out of the delusional state he's been in. He is suffering and we're just seeing the symptoms, best for him that he stays off here. Trumpers are rare birds here and get jumped pretty quick, he's just ill and delusional, not even a Trumper I figure. Lots of folks got a hard on fur Donald (rightly so!) and any dumb bastard who is stupid enough to carry his water gets a well deserved fucking over!:smile:
Pokerjay is taking a break from the site, the last I heard and is back on his meds, don't respond to him and hopefully he will stay off and get out of the delusional state he's been in. He is suffering and we're just seeing the symptoms, best for him that he stays off here. Trumpers are rare birds here and get jumped pretty quick, he's just ill and delusional, not even a Trumper I figure. Lots of folks got a hard on fur Donald (rightly so!) and any dumb bastard who is stupid enough to carry his water gets a well deserved fucking over!:smile:
Got him on ignore , either way he won't be missed
Impeach the MF'r
So now that many others have confirmed a quid pro quo, the Trump administration has a new strategy of admitting that which that have heretofore denied and daring us to impeach them.

Ok. Game on.

We may not remove him but he just lost the election. The next election will be a shitshow with Trump openly peddling conspiracies and inviting foreign interference.