The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I saw another asshole tonight (in addition to the wag in the Liberty University hoodie). This clown had a "Donald Pump" shirt on claiming that Donald "makes America strong". God I hate living in this shithole red state.

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Of course, the dildo had cut off the sleeves.
i would have harassed him into either attacking me, or taking the fucking thing off....
NEVER let stupidity pass unchallenged
doesn't ivanka look like she wants to murder someone?....

Luckily, Trump Is an Unstable Non-Genius
His mental deficiencies may save American democracy.

By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist
  • Oct. 10, 2019

    The surprising thing about the constitutional crisis we’re now facing is that it took so long to happen. It was obvious from early on that the president of the United States is a would-be autocrat who accepts no limits on his power and considers criticism a form of treason, and he is backed by a party that has denied the legitimacy of its opposition for many years. Something like this moment was inevitable.
    What still hangs in the balance is the outcome. And if democracy survives — which is by no means certain — it will largely be thanks to one unpredictable piece of good luck: Donald Trump’s mental deficiency.
    I don’t mean that Trump is stupid; a stupid man couldn’t have managed to defraud so many people over so many years. Nor do I mean that he’s crazy, although his speeches and tweets (“my great and unmatched wisdom”; the Kurds weren’t there on D-Day) keep sounding loonier.

    He is, however, lazy, utterly incurious and too insecure to listen to advice or ever admit to a mistake. And given that he is in fact what he accuses others of being — an enemy of the people — we should be thankful for his flaws.

    The news item that got me thinking along these lines was, oddly, the latest budget review from the Congressional Budget Office, projecting a fiscal 2019 deficit of almost a trillion dollars — up by more than $300 billion from the deficit Trump inherited.
    Never mind the clear demonstration that the G.O.P.’s Obama-era hyperventilating about deficits was completely hypocritical. The more important point is that $300 billion is a lot of money, and it should have been enough to buy Trump a lot of political gain.
    After all, other white nationalists trying to do what Trump is trying to do — subvert the rule of law and convert their nations from democracies on paper to one-party autocracies in practice — have solidified their grasp on power by delivering at least a bit on their populist promises. In Poland, for example, the Law and Justice party has increased social spending and is now promising a big rise in the minimum wage.

    Trump’s domestic economic policy, however, has been standard Republican top-down class warfare. None of that $300 billion went for social benefits or even his continually promised, never-delivered infrastructure plan. Instead, it went mainly into tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy that have done little to boost investment.

    At the same time, Trump has pursued his personal tariff obsession despite mounting evidence that it’s hurting growth. The economy was supposed to be his big political selling point. Instead, polls of his net job approval on economic policy are, on average, barely positive even now — and likely to get worse as tariffs on consumer goods bite and the economy slows.

    But Trump’s squandered economic opportunities are, of course, secondary at this point to his de facto self-impeachment.
    Just a few weeks ago it seemed that Trump would skate on charges both of colluding with Russia to subvert the 2016 election and of obstruction of justice; the Mueller report was basically a bust, partly because the story was complicated, partly because of Robert Mueller’s diffidence.

    But Trump has managed to make things clear enough for everyone to understand. First he demanded that foreign regimes produce dirt on domestic political rivals, not just in phone calls but right there on camera. Now he’s engaged in a crude, obvious effort to stonewall the House impeachment inquiry that is clearly an impeachable offense in itself.
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Couldn't. With the family. Bad example.
It's gonna come down to public shaming sooner or later, if he does not want to be embarrassed in public, family or not, don't dress like a traitor. This shit is gonna get much worse and will spawn a Helluva patriotic back lash. A red MAGA hat will be like sporting a swastika in 1943 America, old men and women would have beat the shit out of them on sight. Their sons, brothers, fathers and friends, were in the field fighting and they were fighting at home too, in the mines, factories, steel plants and shipyards.
No they will not. They already know: one spoiled, demented, narcissistic, corrupt fuck manipulated a bunch of uneducated, moronic, inbred dumbasses.

It's the oldest story in the book.

I thought prostitution was the oldest story in the book.

Oh wait, that's part of the legacy too.

Great job Trump, you'll be remembered forever.
What came first?

Trump's mental illness or his follower's mental illnesses?

Historians will study this for years.
Coming from a guy who believes you can go to sleep a man and wake up a woman. Mind blowing to hear you throw accusations of being brain washed. Coming from the white guy who hates white people and pretends that they are terrorizing blacks in the’s too funny to me and I suspect that you may already be in a mental institution.
Coming from a guy who believes you can to sleep a man and wake up a woman. Mind blowing to hear you throw accusations of being brain washed. Coming from the white guy who hates white people and pretends that they are terrorizing blacks in the’s too funny to me and I suspect that you may already be in a mental institution.
Keep laughing.

They'll be in to clean your room soon.