The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

I will take that bet. The definition of impeachment is to have articles of impeachment brought against you. It does not mean removed from office. It is official, the bet is on. An offer was made and I have accepted it.

Andrew Johnson was impeached. Bill Clinton was impeached. Richard Nixon resigned just before being impeached. Trump will officially be impeached the minute the House votes to impeach.

I would recommend that you and a few others take a few days off of smoking and lower your tolerance. Then try a new strain so that you can remember what it feels like to be high. You know the relaxed and happy feeling? Where you don’t have to obfuscate, and use toxic leviathan like tactics to get your point across??
I would recommend that you and a few others take a few days off of smoking and lower your tolerance. Then try a new strain so that you can remember what it feels like to be high. You know the relaxed and happy feeling? Where you don’t have to obfuscate, and use toxic leviathan like tactics to get your point across??
Scared of losing a lil grand $ when you have such a beautiful house, lovely wife ( pics to pm please) and gamble and realtor for money.
No no no no no, The bet is on
Scared of losing a lil grand $ when you have such a beautiful house, lovely wife ( pics to pm please) and gamble and realtor for money.
No no no no no, The bet is on

Nope the bet was to be with one individual. You are trying to exploit a misunderstanding and rick says = released.
Are you aware that Seth rich was one of the whistleblowers on DNC rigging? Are you aware that when he was murdered (robbery yet nothing was taken) that he was going to testify against the DNC via Jared beck? Are you aware that another witness besides Seth rich dropped dead (Shaun Lucas). And I guess you didn’t know that The DNC admitted that they rigged the election in court and argued that they had the right to do so?

And I suppose you didn’t know that many high level individuals to include Ray Mcgovern believe Seth rich was the source for Wikileaks. Do you have more experience than Ray McGovern with over 30 years in the cia and 50 years in intel.. who use to brief presidents.., not to mention is a lifelong Democrat? How about the confirmed $20,000 sent from Julian’s Assange to Seth’s brother (Aaron’s bank account). I mean your cognitive bias is so bad you didn’t even watch the video, but here it is again... blows your snippet assertions out of the water in the first 10 mins.

You keep repeating Russian propaganda.

Here is the portion of the Mueller report that points out that Assange was lying and the Russians were the ones that leaked out the information. The FBI is the ones with the information, not that dude who used to work there but now wants to work for Trump. Also did you notice I mentioned that guys website is hacked? So if you go to it, your computer will likely get spyware downloaded onto it, so be careful (if real person and not just a paid propaganda troll).
Screen Shot 2019-09-29 at 5.17.28 AM.png Screen Shot 2019-09-29 at 5.17.38 AM.png
You keep repeating Russian propaganda.

Wrong on all accounts. Ray McGovern doesn’t work for trump... what he said about NSA is absolutely true via the prism program... Julian assange has never been proven wrong in 15 years... and that is not how Wikileaks operates. They pay for information as I will try my best to dig up and find the money transactions going from Wikileaks to Arron Rich. Why is it that the fbi never turned over the DNC server??? Guccifer 2.0 has been debunked. A hasty plan to divert attention from the sheer magnitude of what was in those emails... announcing Guccifer 2.0 comes out and says “yup it was me, I gave it to the Russians,” the same day that Wikileaks announced they were releasing info? Nope... no charges filed. Seth Rich the only unsolved murder of a white male in that area in the last 5 years. 200k reward and nobody comes forward with info? They robbed him but didn’t take anything? Common man the guy was about to testify against the DNC... that was a hit.
You keep repeating Russian propaganda.

Here is the portion of the Mueller report that points out that Assange was lying and the Russians were the ones that leaked out the information. The FBI is the ones with the information, not that dude who used to work there but now wants to work for Trump. Also did you notice I mentioned that guys website is hacked? So if you go to it, your computer will likely get spyware downloaded onto it, so be careful (if real person and not just a paid propaganda troll).
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Crowd strike paid less than one day after Seth Rich murder?


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Btw, who pays a hitman like that? Like seriously, I am ok with paying a hit man to commit a murder, but ill be damned if I avoid campaign finance laws?
Crowd strike paid less than one day after Seth Rich murder?
Trump and his foreign army of Trolls along with his domestic online terrorists led by Brad Parscale are pumping out disinformation at a extreme rate.
Isikoff’s source for this link is Deborah Sines, a former assistant U.S. attorney who led the Rich investigation. The Russian rumor, he writes, is “the first known instance of Rich’s murder being publicly linked to a political conspiracy.” In the podcast, “Conspiracyland,” Isikoff makes a similar claim.

But that’s not true. Unfounded links between Clinton and the Rich killing predate the July 13, 2016, “bulletin” and coverage of it by a sketchy site called What’s more, the “hit team” story, which Sines says was repeated several weeks later, wasn’t the primary Rich-related conspiracy that gained traction.

As Isikoff’s reporting makes obvious, it’s in fact much more accurate to pin the broad embrace of Seth Rich conspiracies on WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange — and on U.S. actors like Infowars’ Alex Jones and Fox News’s Sean Hannity.
All of the aforementioned tweets are still active, suggesting they haven’t been identified as being linked to Russian intelligence by Twitter. Those tweets have been removed and archived. Isikoff’s report notes that one prominent Twitter account from that set, TEN_GOP, promoted the Rich conspiracy theory as articulated by Infowars. There were, he says, some 2,000 tweets focused on promoting Seth Rich conspiracies from accounts linked to Russian actors.

This fits with our understanding of Russia’s efforts in 2016: to highlight and exacerbate existing divides in American politics. An expert on Russia’s efforts made that point in the “Conspiracyland” podcast.
The TEN_GOP tweet was also more than a week after WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange implied in an interview on Dutch television both that Rich’s killing was suspect and that he might be the source of the material stolen from the DNC that WikiLeaks had published the prior month. This was obviously not the case, since WikiLeaks didn’t begin receiving that stolen information until days after Rich’s death, as special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report details. But it was a particularly potent strain of the Rich conspiracies, and one that has survived since.
Wikileaks didn't get the stolen info from Russia until a couple days after Rich was murdered.

You said you are patriotic, how can you not have a huge issue with Russians/other foreign governments attacking our countries citizens this way? It is information warfare. If you are not just cat fishing us, it is worth understanding how all of this is being pushed at you.
Btw, who pays a hitman like that? Like seriously, I am ok with paying a hit man to commit a murder, but ill be damned if I avoid campaign finance laws?

Trump and his foreign army of Trolls along with his domestic online terrorists led by Brad Parscale are pumping out disinformation at a extreme rate.

Wikileaks didn't get the stolen info from Russia until a couple days after Rich was murdered.

You said you are patriotic, how can you not have a huge issue with Russians/other foreign governments attacking our countries citizens this way? It is information warfare. If you are not just cat fishing us, it is worth understanding how all of this is being pushed at you.

You get your information from a scripted news program... enough said.
You get your information from a scripted news program... enough said.
hey pokergay

Put me down for $1000 against your $5000 on impeachment


Your money will come in handy for holiday shopping after captain dumbfuck child rapist gets impeached around thanksgiving
Oh and 'crowdstrike'.

This is Roger Stone's defense conspiracy theory that Trump brought up in the call to Ukraine. It is a Russian generated and pushed conspiracy theory that says Russia didn't interfere with 2016 elections. And Crowdstrike who was hired to investigate their hack was the real culprit. President Trump really seems to have gotten too clever for his own good bringing it up to Ukraine to throw some more smoke. They wanted it to bring up Biden, but it blew up in their face when they decided to break the law and not give congress the whistleblower complaint on it.
Who Crowdstrike is:
While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”
Seem credible to me, at least more than proven liars, who are trying to cover up their crimes before they all end up in jail with Cohen, Manafort, Butina, ....

For years cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike was a source of news, not a subject, as it unraveled some of the world’s most notorious hacks.

But ever since the company exposed Russian intrusions into Democratic Party computers in 2016 — findings President Trump repeatedly has attacked — CrowdStrike has been a subject of allegations that rippled through conservative news sources, onto social media, into the criminal trial of longtime Trump friend Roger Stone and, finally, in July, into a call between the president and his Ukrainian counterpart.

The release Wednesday of the text of that call prompted an ecstatic response on right-wing corners of the Internet. “CROWDSTRIKE IS BACK ON THE MENU BOYS,” said one thread Wednesday on the Reddit message board “the_donald,” devoted to pro-Trump discussion. In another thread, a commenter wrote, “Trump just put ‘Ukrainian CrowdStrike’ into the consciousness and conversation of every normie that is following this story.”
hey pokergay

What’s up with the homophobic slurs? Do you know 1/5 men are gay. So well over 1,000 people on this site? Not much of a progressive are you? Is that why you threw a true progressive like Bernie under the bus for Hillary? An establishment figure that wanted ww3 with Russia? A person who represented a child rapist in court and laughed about getting him probation? She’s flip flopped on every issue.... btw no bets. My wife said it’s not happening. If rick still wants to be locked in at 100:500 that’s ok... perhaps he will win and share the wealth... possibly by You educational classes in how not to let a black screen in your living room brainwash you.
Oh and 'crowdstrike'.

This is Roger Stone's defense conspiracy theory that Trump brought up in the call to Ukraine. It is a Russian generated and pushed conspiracy theory that says Russia didn't interfere with 2016 elections. And Crowdstrike who was hired to investigate their hack was the real culprit. President Trump really seems to have gotten too clever for his own good bringing it up to Ukraine to throw some more smoke. They wanted it to bring up Biden, but it blew up in their face when they decided to break the law and not give congress the whistleblower complaint on it.
Who Crowdstrike is:

Seem credible to me, at least more than proven liars, who are trying to cover up their crimes before they all end up in jail with Cohen, Manafort, Butina, ....

Wrong... here is the mueller testimony. No obstruction. No collusion... a total witch hunt. Fake news pulling out stories at a record clip and the dems could lose again bigly in 2020 if you vote for another establishment candidate. Hillary is a satanic witch and her and cocaine bill had over 70 people killed including Vince foster who was shot twice in the back of the head... you say Russia colluded the mueller testimony says otherwise... I don’t know much about Russia but it would be nice if we could get along. 16 fb trolls = didn’t change the minds with meme’s on fb lol. If you think otherwise then you are dipping your buds in pcp. You did what the establishment wanted you to and that was throw Bernie under the bus. Most likely you will vote for Biden...

Oh and 'crowdstrike'.

This is Roger Stone's defense conspiracy theory that Trump brought up in the call to Ukraine. It is a Russian generated and pushed conspiracy theory that says Russia didn't interfere with 2016 elections. And Crowdstrike who was hired to investigate their hack was the real culprit. President Trump really seems to have gotten too clever for his own good bringing it up to Ukraine to throw some more smoke. They wanted it to bring up Biden, but it blew up in their face when they decided to break the law and not give congress the whistleblower complaint on it.
Who Crowdstrike is:

Seem credible to me, at least more than proven liars, who are trying to cover up their crimes before they all end up in jail with Cohen, Manafort, Butina, ....

Maria Butina..only 18 months for being a spy of which she won't spend half in crimes against America..certainly not the hanging that Trumpy wishes for when it comes to spies..he never even mentions her.

Wrong... here is the mueller testimony. No obstruction. No collusion... a total witch hunt. Fake news pulling out stories at a record clip and the dems could lose again bigly in 2020 if you vote for another establishment candidate. Hillary is a satanic witch and her and cocaine bill had over 70 people killed including Vince foster who was shot twice in the back of the head... you say Russia colluded the mueller testimony says otherwise... I don’t know much about Russia but it would be nice if we could get along. 16 fb trolls = didn’t change the minds with meme’s on fb lol. If you think otherwise then you are dipping your buds in pcp. You did what the establishment wanted you to and that was throw Bernie under the bus. Most likely you will vote for Biden...

actually, that's not what he said.

he said that he wouldn't say that there was because then Trump would have to defend himself on something that was intimated which wasn't fair..however, to be clear, this does not exonerate him either..Russia (itself) without a doubt interfered in 2016, that was clear.
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Maria Butina..only 18 months for being a spy of which she won't spend half in crimes again America..certainly not the hanging that Trumpy wishes for when it comes to spies..he never even mentions her.


Nice work. Just unreal that these people..who don’t get me wrong... they are intelligent, but Hillary over Bernie? Just unreal. I saw we try our best to get Bernie elected this year. Otherwise we might end up with patriot joe.