The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Pokerjay PTSD + two serious disorders and on a ton of meds. He suffers from delusions and disordered thinking among other issues, he is tormented and suffering greatly. I'm trying to get him off social media like this or at least lurk. I requested kindness for him and community support, but this place is dead inside.

in a way ,, I know what he going threw,,i was in nam for 3 years n came back with nightmares n such that people would not beleive I wish him the best supports he can
Wow, what a great meme. Article 2 of the Constitution spells it out rather clearly. Amazing you dipshits can be so passionate about the second amendment without any awareness of Article 2.

"The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

So what you are in effect saying is that we should ignore Article 2 and Trump's chronic abuses of power and corruption because you like him.

Donald loves you. He loves the undereducated.
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Wow, what a great meme. Article 2 of the Constitution spells it out rather clearly. Amazing you dipshits can be so passionate about the second amendment without any awareness of Article 2.

So what you are in effect saying is that we should ignore Article 2 and Trump's chronic abuses of power and corruption because you like him.

Donald loves you. He loves the undereducated.

why can't we just quit bitchn at each other , n instead,, help each other out,, we have a enough problems,, without fighting each other.
why can't we just quit bitchn at each other , n instead,, help each other out,, we have a enough problems,, without fighting each other.
What the fuck are you on about?

Are you finding a problem with me addressing a claim by another user (which is quite conceivably you) that the only reason impeachment proceedings are happening is because we don't like Trump? Tough shit.

You've been here since Saturday and you have broadcast that you are a Nam vet which means some of the users here will hold you in holy reverence. If you are (and you fought on our side), then good for you - thank you for your service. But claiming it is far from proof and the number of trolls wrapping themselves in a blanket of stolen valor is pretty substantial.

If you cared enough to really lay your life on the line for this country and its institutions than you might have some respect for those institutions.
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Wow, really well done.

I agree that it won’t make it through the Senate, but disagree that it’s a waste of time. Once this becomes full blown, it will be harder for the Administration to stonewall because the rules change.
It is pretty smart how they are doing this. Pelosi gets to force the republicans to vote for Trump in a clear breaking of his oath of office in a way that is open to public to see how every Republican votes and Mitch McConnell can't stop it.

And it doesn't touch anything in the Mueller report (might still have some Russians pop out in this investigation too) so that gets to be handled in the courts without having everything dragged out into the open until they are ready for it to.
And once again the snowflake plays the VICTIM CARD
So pitiful

I have experienced his rogue agitations tactics first hand. He reminds me of Trump actually. He reminds me of the ruthless bully that threw a pop can at my head on the bus in 8th grade. Purposefully triggering people’s PTSD.
Nope. No quid pro quo.

When the mob wanted to shake down an establishment, they didn't say "Pay us or we'll burn you down." They set a small fire and then paid a visit a little bit later and said "you need protection". This is why no members of the mob never went to jail. (Lol)

Putting the Ukrainian aid on hold and then calling "Monica" Zelensky and pointing out how much we do to them and then asking for him to investigate his political rivals as "a favor" is totally not like that. Nope. Nothing at all like that.
I have experienced his rogue agitations tactics first hand. He reminds me of Trump actually. He reminds me of the ruthless bully that threw a pop can at my head on the bus in 8th grade. Purposefully triggering people’s PTSD.
And because of that I am willing to give you the benefit of a doubt of being a real person and not just a paid troll.