the I'm Sorry Y'all thread.


Active Member
Hey guys. I want to apologize for how I exploded on to the forums tonight. I just got into my mailbox and saw some replies to old posts and didn't realize things had changed around here. After posting/ranting and getting some positive feedback (even though I was a complete dick) and smoking a bowl I've calmed down and realized that I probably shouldn't have done that.

Hopefully I didn't bring anyone's buzz down and if I did find me walking down the street sometime and I'll make it up to you.

bongsmilie Hopefully we can all get abong now. ;-)


Well-Known Member
yep kids use da cpu at school and just look for shit to talk. see like 6mins from orig post, I'm usually faster tho ;)


Active Member
haha for sure bro. thanks for being cool man, and everyone. That could have went worse than I thought it would have and I think by you approaching the situation calmly and being the first to do it helped me calm down and all. Like I said I was doing some mailbox cleaning and saw those old posts and let my blood boil over. I don't have much on this website but if anyone is already over at GC (youll know what I mean if you are) I have all my everything posted there. I'll get busy here soon now that I know things are better.

Thanks again DroBro and to FDD for not actually banning me :D


Well-Known Member
yep kids use da cpu at school and just look for shit to talk. see like 6mins from orig post, I'm usually faster tho ;)
im beastin it tonight though
im just that bored

haha for sure bro. thanks for being cool man, and everyone. That could have went worse than I thought it would have and I think by you approaching the situation calmly and being the first to do it helped me calm down and all. Like I said I was doing some mailbox cleaning and saw those old posts and let my blood boil over. I don't have much on this website but if anyone is already over at GC (youll know what I mean if you are) I have all my everything posted there. I'll get busy here soon now that I know things are better.

Thanks again DroBro and to FDD for not actually banning me :D

I cant ban u homie.. haha


stays relevant.
Yeah, they're like crabs hangin' on your nuts... Just shake 'em off, and keep on keepin' on. 99.9% of them don't have a useful thread they could link you to anyhow-- just losers who have nothin' going on.

+Rep for an honest apology.


Active Member
ok y'all have a great night and once again, I AM COMPLETELY SORRY for bringing down the vibe for the time that I did. Have a great night everyone.


Well-Known Member
been there done that! don't know what happened but sounds like everyone is cool!! forget and move on!!


Active Member
yep kids use da cpu at school and just look for shit to talk. see like 6mins from orig post, I'm usually faster tho ;)
I'd hate to say this but CPU is a computer processor just to let you know , say comp insted of CPU because people that deal with computers like me kinda don't like it when people say CUP for a computer:leaf:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hey, it takes a lot to man up and humble yourself.Everybody has bad days.I can';t see what you did that was so horrifying anyway.