The Human Bowl


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Do you think it's possible to perhaps plug the orifices in a human body and toke out of oneself. For instance perhaps packing an earlobe full of bud and performing cpr like motions to get a hit from the mouth, or maybe packing it in a pussy and hitting it out of the asshole? What do you think:hump:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

there is some video of a guy drinking milk and squirting it out his eye..

i think your idea needs some research and lab work.. tests... etc...

please try and post link to video..

even if you don't succeed, the tests will be educational I am sure...



Well-Known Member
hm im sure you could but maybe not on yourself maybe like with someones corpse and remove some of the shit from the inside


Well-Known Member
i would do research before you hurt yourself... pot head lol
the closest i have ever seen to that is my friend was so desperate to smoke that he actually packed bud in his bare hand and toked out of it
he was in pain but he got high as shit...


Active Member
the broke's way to smoke weed is to just put it in a pile on the ground, light it, cup your hands around it, and take the hit between your hands. you could do that on any part of someone's body. otherwise... this thread is makin me queasy


Well-Known Member
well ive tried blowing smoke out of my ears and that didnt work... just gave me a horrible ass headache.


Active Member
imagine tryin to take a hoot from somones eye and there eyes gets sucked outta its socket into your mouth.