The How & What

puff puff puff

Active Member
ive been smoking weed for years now and have only finally, after some major droughts in my area along with one too many shitty deals from shady dealers, decided i want to grow my own herb.

the problem is although ive poured over the forums and have got a rough idea of how to construct a basic grow op. the only problem lies in that i currently stay in uni halls and have one small room with limited cupboard space. is it possible to grow in such a space deprived enviroment? what tools would i need and how much would it cost me? am i just wasting my time trying to grow my own and just go back to settling for the shit amounts of/weed im being given?

if anyone could offer some anwsers to the above questions and perhaps summarise the basics of what i would require to purchase in order to get the thing on the road it would be much appreciated ... bearing in mind i already know with such limited space it would be impossible to expect to grow more than a few plants which i would hope would produce a few ounces?

again any feedback is much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
you could grow with cfl's/flourescents which need less room as they produce so little heat, but there are some serious difficulties you may face. you dont own/controll access to your own place sadly, and uni could send someone with a key anytime for any reason :( this compromises your security way too much imo. also it will stink during flower unless you have a noisy fan and filter, and your cupboard will leak light unless you do a great job. you wont be able to bring anyone back to your room incase they catch on and spread the word.
sorry to be such a downer man, but maybe you could do a stealth/micro grow in a tub in yr cupboard instead?? you wont grow that much( i think..), but still a great hobby.
i gotta say i never grew when i was younger simply because my security was too much in other's hands, not owning, or controlling access to my own house. just my POV tho man, good luck :)


Well-Known Member
don't grow in the dorms, it is a terrible idea. You will get kicked out of school and get in legal trouble if caught...