The hog/mazar/pure/nl/j.herer/sweet tooth/pog/g13/thai/super skunk/cheese


New Member
Hey there, mate. Good to see things are still running smoothly.

Would you let me know if you notice any discernible difference with using the formulex.


Well-Known Member
Hey there, mate. Good to see things are still running smoothly.

Would you let me know if you notice any discernible difference with using the formulex.
They have stayed perfectly green since they hatched no yellowing, they are getting everything they need, the root system is forming nicely.

I'm going to make another solution up today and I'm going to make it a little bit stronger maybe 1.4 ec because the plants are easily handling what i'm giving them now.


Well-Known Member
The seedlings are doing well and the roots are coming out thick and fast from the bottom now, so I think its time for a bigger cube for them. After this transplant they will move and spend the rest of their veg time under a metal halide.

If you have read the above then you know that there is a lot of seedlings on the go, so equally a lot of rockwool is needed, and an equally big place to pre-soak them is also needed.



Well-Known Member
I can't believe how many plants you are managing.

All the hard work should pay off in the end.:hump:
The hardest part at the moment is to actually get the basement into some kind of order so that i can veg down there until everythings ready to flower.

Everytime i go back down and check how much work is there i end up going for a smoke. The rockwool cubes are done now and i should really be doing the transplant.


New Member
The hardest part at the moment is to actually get the basement into some kind of order so that i can veg down there until everythings ready to flower.

Everytime i go back down and check how much work is there i end up going for a smoke. The rockwool cubes are done now and i should really be doing the transplant.
I do that a lot myself, lol. Hard work=stress=need to smoke. lol. Sometimes I'll go whole days just thinking about what i should be doing.


Well-Known Member
I do that a lot myself, lol. Hard work=stress=need to smoke. lol. Sometimes I'll go whole days just thinking about what i should be doing.
I've even switched the lights on down there so i can see what i'm doing, theres about 4 res's to clean, loads of pots with pebbles in. I may well not bother with that just yet, as it isn't really needed, i just gotta clear up and black bag the rubbish.


Well-Known Member
I've even switched the lights on down there so i can see what i'm doing, theres about 4 res's to clean, loads of pots with pebbles in. I may well not bother with that just yet, as it isn't really needed, i just gotta clear up and black bag the rubbish.

why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dont you think they'll stretch with that much distance between plants and light??
No not really, when you consider that people veg with 20 watt cfl,s using a 400w hps with many thousands of lumens at 3-4 foot away for young seedlings is perfect. The plant doesn't need 40,000 lumens at this stage, this is where a metal halide kicks the ass of cfls.


Well-Known Member
No not really, when you consider that people veg with 20 watt cfl,s using a 400w hps with many thousands of lumens at 3-4 foot away for young seedlings is perfect. The plant doesn't need 40,000 lumens at this stage, this is where a metal halide kicks the ass of cfls.

CFL's are stupid. just my opinion. we have them in our kitchen. sometimes i turn on the switch and they are bright white. other times they come on a dull brownish color. stupid. :evil:


New Member
CFL's are stupid. just my opinion. we have them in our kitchen. sometimes i turn on the switch and they are bright white. other times they come on a dull brownish color. stupid. :evil:
I likewise never gave cfl's much of a chance. Maybe it's because they are just too awkward.

lately though, babygro has changed my mind a little (at least in the way i feel about them) after seeing his success with the mandala strains.


Well-Known Member
I likewise never gave cfl's much of a chance. Maybe it's because they are just too awkward.

lately though, babygro has changed my mind a little (at least in the way i feel about them) after seeing his success with the mandala strains.
I think that if your growing just a handful of plants then a high powered cfl could maybe fit your needs, but how many cfls would you need to veg a good number of plants.


New Member
That's what I mean about the awkwardness of them. All that repositioning as the plant stretches. I find it hard enough to move the HID lamps. A lot of the time, i have enough of moving up the light and start bending the plants instead.


Well-Known Member
The other good thing about a metal halide is that during the veg stage they dont need many lumens, you see people get by if they give them 1000 lumens of cfl light per plant. So if you get a 400 or 600 mh then you don't really need much else to veg with.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to flower these early, i'm not going to wait for maturity from them.

I think i will wait till about 8 nodes and then take the bottom two sets off for clones and then flower them. By time the clones have rooted the other plants should have shown sex, so if I carefully label them, I will know which clones to dump and which ones to flower.