The hits just keep on coming!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, liberals terrify me. Maybe Holder will let you and UB share a cell. You guys can read vogue, and knit and talk till the sun rises and share muscle relaxers to ease the pain of your spasming uteri.
this rat just loves to see growers in jail.


Well-Known Member
Whoa, who lit the fuze on your tampon?

Well I would ask you to confirm or deny that you're a rat, but since you're a rat, you'll probably say you're not a rat.

feff f

Active Member
I get all giggly every time another one of Obama's busts goes down and you and your butt-buddy, AC, jump in to carry the DEA's water for them. It really is quite amusing.

All of these federal raids because the MMJ operators "are not in compliance with state laws", and nary a state police arrest. Ain't it wonderful to have the DEA enforcing state laws; obviously the state is derelict in their duties.

right on the money dude. obama is rewriting the constitution with these type actions. if the feds come in "uninvited" they should only be investigating state officials or operations that are national in nature....such as dispenseries selling to multiple states or countries.

the feds, as usual are way out of control.