The Hempy Collective

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bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
those sprouts look nitrogen deficient i would foliar spray with some ferts to green them up again it helps quicker than just watering with ferts.


Well-Known Member
umm lets see im using a limited amount of products as im on a budget. im using tiger bloom/ffarn beastie bloom/ffarm superthrive sweet/botanicare seaweed extract tarntula and piranha/advanced.n and high phosphorous bat guano i think thats it i may have missed something.
*limited*:rolleyes::rolleyes:. Mad chemist more like, lol.


Well-Known Member
i'm having a bit of trouble with this bubblicious in flower. it's a yellowing followed by burning at the tips, but it doesn't start at the bottom. it's the "older" newer growth(if that makes sense).
hempy 100% perlite, reservoir holds about 16 ounces of water.
earth juice nutrients(mixed strong according to the bottle)
my feeding schedule is ej w/ micro day 1, dry day 2 and 3, day 4 ej no micro, dry day 5 and 6, water with plain water, repeat.
150w hps, temps about 84F.
day 17 flower



Well-Known Member
whats the ph of your fert mix after mixing and ready to use and by plain water what do you mean?
after mixing it drops down to around 4. i bring it up to about 5.8. but it being earth juice it very well may go up. i know if it sits overnight the ph goes up a bit. plain water just means regular ph adjusted water. no additives, get the ph to 5.8 and put it in.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i dont know it looks like a ph/nutrient lock out issue cant be sure. i know that when i ph my tap water down to 6 or so it rebounds back up again i have since switched to r.o. or distilled and my grows have done much better.


Well-Known Member
those look like good signs of nute burn there.
Try a good flush and clean water for a few waterings to clean it out. Then slowly ad nutes under recommended dosage.


Well-Known Member
those look like good signs of nute burn there.
Try a good flush and clean water for a few waterings to clean it out. Then slowly ad nutes under recommended dosage.
ok, that i was worried about. it's hard to tell with earth juice. i was already planning on cutting back the nute strength to see if that'd help. my next scheduled feeding is plain water anyways.


Well-Known Member
Looks like P diff caused by too low PH. There may be a little N burn there to but the main issue is too low PH. Flush and start over. I have had some recent issues with tap water PH swings messing with me too. Sux.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
in a situation like this there are lots of ferts present but unavailable to the plant because of ph being to high or low then the ph shifts/rebounds and too much ferts become immediately available and the plant gets burned. i would suggest switching to ro or distilled water its easier to avoid this situation. i had the same issue on another grow that i used tap water on. but for now as someone said do a flush when im not sure what the issue is i flush. normally helps and does not seem to hurt.


Well-Known Member
in a situation like this there are lots of ferts present but unavailable to the plant because of ph being to high or low then the ph shifts/rebounds and too much ferts become immediately available and the plant gets burned. i would suggest switching to ro or distilled water its easier to avoid this situation. i had the same issue on another grow that i used tap water on. but for now as someone said do a flush when im not sure what the issue is i flush. normally helps and does not seem to hurt.
thanks. i'm switching from earth juice to g.h. flora, as well. pH has been an issue ever since using ej, so i'm hoping after i switch nutes it'll be a little easier to deal with.


Well-Known Member
Iam starting my first Hydro grow with Hempy Buckets !

20-25 plant SOG /w clones

Using GH nutes 2 part Lucas Formula with Hardwater Micro and well water.

The well water is high PH and loaded with Calcium. Not sure of the PPM of my water, i have no meter. Iam only using PH test drops for this grow.

Mothers were grown under my 400 watt HPS and have been shifted to my outdoor grow.

Clones were rooted in my bubble cloner:

Then transplanted to my hempy buckets:

Iam still waiting for the rest of my clones to root to fill out my grow space. Should have all 20-25 ready in another week:

When I first transplanted (a few days ago) I gave a 5 micro 10 bloom lucas mix. And today they were given just PHed water.


Well-Known Member
you are gonna love the hempy man, my current grow is a 40 plant Hempy SOG under 2 400 watt MH. It should be interesting....


Well-Known Member
hey guys i need some advice help wtv you want call it, well i transplanted my babies into their first home 16 0z hempys and fed them for the first time with a light soup of 350 ppm nutes (GH Nutes) its been about 5 days and they have taken off and improved incredibly from what they were starting to look at fist in their Rw starter cubes. Well my main questions i guess is how should i feed them? every day or every other day? do i top off with water only or with water and nutes, mixed? Im a little confused because idk if i have to keep my resevoir at a certain ppm or as long as i keep topping them off with the mix i already made of 350 ppm i dont have to worry about ppm??? not sure please help a noob out, this is my first grow btw so be understanding.

1 st pic is of how they started other pics are after they got fed, been topping off with 350 ppm mix every other day. I mean i would think is easier now because their in small hempys but once i transplant them to their 2.5 gal hempy i would guess it gets more difficult.



Active Member
hey guys i need some advice help wtv you want call it, well i transplanted my babies into their first home 16 0z hempys and fed them for the first time with a light soup of 350 ppm nutes (GH Nutes) its been about 5 days and they have taken off and improved incredibly from what they were starting to look at fist in their Rw starter cubes. Well my main questions i guess is how should i feed them? every day or every other day? do i top off with water only or with water and nutes, mixed? Im a little confused because idk if i have to keep my resevoir at a certain ppm or as long as i keep topping them off with the mix i already made of 350 ppm i dont have to worry about ppm??? not sure please help a noob out, this is my first grow btw so be understanding.

1 st pic is of how they started other pics are after they got fed, been topping off with 350 ppm mix every other day. I mean i would think is easier now because their in small hempys but once i transplant them to their 2.5 gal hempy i would guess it gets more difficult.

Well im enjoying the fruits of my first grow ever, and im so very very happy i chose hempy.. So very easy, and alows for such lazyness..

Just lift them mate..
If they feel light, they want a sip untill you get a little overflow..
Dunno bout the ppm's i just followed the 3-part GH Flora chart..
And kept my PH around 6ish.
Had to add more nutes at the end but other than that the 1-2-3 etc. worked perfectly..

I tried the "lazy" way and just did what i had to do.. No extra fancy stuff..
And im in NO way unhappy with my yield nor the quality.. :)

Hope it helped a little :)

PS. Yeah i mix in nutes every time i water.. Sorry for the rambling, so very stoned :)

Edit: Right, forgot to mention that i used 100% perlite in 10l buckets (2.5gal i think that is) and i had to water every 2-3 days.. The girls drank about 2l (½ gal) each pr. watering(At size ofc)..

Prolly add more as the head clears ;)


Well-Known Member
Well im enjoying the fruits of my first grow ever, and im so very very happy i chose hempy.. So very easy, and alows for such lazyness..

Just lift them mate..
If they feel light, they want a sip untill you get a little overflow..
Dunno bout the ppm's i just followed the 3-part GH Flora chart..
And kept my PH around 6ish.
Had to add more nutes at the end but other than that the 1-2-3 etc. worked perfectly..

I tried the "lazy" way and just did what i had to do.. No extra fancy stuff..
And im in NO way unhappy with my yield nor the quality.. :)

Hope it helped a little :)

PS. Yeah i mix in nutes every time i water.. Sorry for the rambling, so very stoned :)

Edit: Right, forgot to mention that i used 100% perlite in 10l buckets (2.5gal i think that is) and i had to water every 2-3 days.. The girls drank about 2l (½ gal) each pr. watering(At size ofc)..

Prolly add more as the head clears ;)

cheers mate, thanks for your help, wish i can hear more opinions on these but guess not.
I was mainly not clear on wheter to top off daily with a nute mix or feed them one day and topem off with water only afterwards.
anyhow i will just topem off with nute mix every other day and raise my nute strength as the grow. Im on 1/4 strengh been going easy on dem but i think there ready for lucas formula...:dunce:


Well-Known Member
cheers mate, thanks for your help, wish i can hear more opinions on these but guess not.
I was mainly not clear on wheter to top off daily with a nute mix or feed them one day and topem off with water only afterwards.
anyhow i will just topem off with nute mix every other day and raise my nute strength as the grow. Im on 1/4 strengh been going easy on dem but i think there ready for lucas formula...:dunce:
Great thing about hempy is......YOU DONT NEED TO FLUSH!
I still do every now and then, just to flush the actual plant of too much nutes if needed.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i do love the ease of flushing with hempy all i do is a week or more from harvest i pour a few gallons of water with clearex and im done. flushing soil is more difficult imo.


Well-Known Member
cheers mate, thanks for your help, wish i can hear more opinions on these but guess not.
I was mainly not clear on wheter to top off daily with a nute mix or feed them one day and topem off with water only afterwards...
I do this: Feed, Feed, Water. Feed, Feed, Water.. etc...

I do it every other day or every third day. doesn't make much of a difference for me going every third but every other day is easy too. Hempy is really VERY forgiving and if you have a problem just run a bunch of water through it. I "Flush" for a week prior to cut, but I am using organics so it really makes no difference in my case. Hope that helps a bit.
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