The Hempy Collective

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Well-Known Member
from what i've read in most hempy journals, cal-mag seems to be essential in hempy buckets because of the lack of soil. Can anyone with experience concur with this? I think its the cause of my yellowing and such.
oooh yeah definately. Luckly one of the great RIU members pointed that out to me early in my grow. I used cal-mag plus throughout the entire grow. I did screw it up once and put 3x the amount of cal mag I was supposed too but a good flush and I was back to normal. Gotta love the "hempy"


Well-Known Member
oooh yeah definately. Luckly one of the great RIU members pointed that out to me early in my grow. I used cal-mag plus throughout the entire grow. I did screw it up once and put 3x the amount of cal mag I was supposed too but a good flush and I was back to normal. Gotta love the "hempy"
Wont using epsom salts do the same thing as cal-mag?? I may have to order some cal-mag if not. Although... I just used epsom salts at 1tsp per gal and the new growth seems to not have the same yellowing.


Well-Known Member
oooh yeah definitely. Luckily one of the great RIU members pointed that out to me early in my grow. I used cal-mag plus throughout the entire grow. I did screw it up once and put 3x the amount of cal mag I was supposed too but a good flush and I was back to normal. Gotta love the "hempy"
Wont using Epsom salts do the same thing as cal-mag?? I may have to order some cal-mag if not. Although... I just used Epsom salts at 1tsp per gal and the new growth seems to not have the same yellowing.


Well-Known Member
i was about to ask the same sort of question. If there was something more common to replace cal-mag because i have to order as well... i wasnt going to ask twice... but whatevers clever.


Well-Known Member
oooh yeah definately. Luckly one of the great RIU members pointed that out to me early in my grow. I used cal-mag plus throughout the entire grow. I did screw it up once and put 3x the amount of cal mag I was supposed too but a good flush and I was back to normal. Gotta love the "hempy"
i'm using the earth juice 3 part food. i know their microblast has magnesium in it, but i'm not sure if any of the parts has calcium. when using a 3 part formula is cal-mag still needed?


Well-Known Member
first off some of you may be awar of hempy buckets some may...i did not start this method...its just something i feel is a benifit to the marijuana comunity asa whole....the "offical" name for this hempy buckets..started in the late 80's buy a guy named hempy hence forth hempy buckets...the system was set up to be simple cheap an ez to use, it requires a soilless medium..there are several ways for this..i use 100% perlite..other include parts vermaculte or coco coir...i use the 100% perlite for its ph i dont see much fluction in root zone ph...i personally use r/o water ped to 6.0 an work from there...but i know plenty of people who use this an dont ph at all...using mixs of coco coir an vermaculte can sometimes shift ph....
NOW ON to containers...the pot or "bucket" for this is typilly a cup or bucket ranging in sizes from 16oz to 5 gal....plant size dectates pot size want a container that has no holes on the then cut a small hole opn the side of the container 1-2inches above the bottem ...the bottem inch or so now acts like a mini resivor for the roots to work there way to an soak up...the hole acts like an overflow valve an making sure you dont water log the plants...SO NOW come the point of real terms the hempy bucket is a passive hydro system whose growth compeates with that of dwc/ depending on your final plant size most people use between 1-3 gal plastic trash cans/mop buckets from any home supply store....personally ima sog grower so i grow plants in 32 oz cups then bog those on top of 1 gal water jugs all 100%perlite...your pot size will vary on what you decide you want to do....
ON to a system like this you want to use hydro nutes..but organic teas an coco specific nutes work well to...seedlings an clones in small container's need to be watered everyday untill root establishment...after this every other day or so an once you get into bigger containers it may be every 2 days depending on your size pots...the lifting method works well my system i go like this for a feeding schudal...water heavey feed water water heavy feed water ...this keeps salts from building up an cusing that you know...i would like all hempy grower to post pics an experencies with this system....peace az
What strain is that I was to busy looking at the pic and not reading my bad :)


Well-Known Member
depending on where ya are... use tap water

i like that gh makes a micro nute mix specifically for hard water....

my water must be mostly sewage... the chlorine level is ridiculous... 5 days open and it still reeks of chlorine... i used after 3 days thinking it was all good and now its yellowing and browning... fucking city water... still has the chlorine smell after 5 days open


Well-Known Member
yes epsome salts will work but you should use the horticutural grade for the best is what i use but there's a few products that work just as reason calmag is so needed in this system is one yes there is no cal-mag in the perlite so the plants will want it an if using what i use with the lucas formula an with the gh3part you will notice it with certain strains lacks enough cal-mag to keep the plant sustaind....i find it to be best to add it late veg an early in flower....peace az


Well-Known Member
yes epsome salts will work but you should use the horticutural grade for the best is what i use but there's a few products that work just as reason calmag is so needed in this system is one yes there is no cal-mag in the perlite so the plants will want it an if using what i use with the lucas formula an with the gh3part you will notice it with certain strains lacks enough cal-mag to keep the plant sustaind....i find it to be best to add it late veg an early in flower....peace az

Hey man, you seem like the person to ask. Can Cal-mag be effectively used in hydro bubblers? Ive noticed even with my hydro nutes (foxfarm) Some strains still demonstrate Cal & mag deficiencies in early flower. It got really severe with one plant and almost turned it completely yellow. I used some regular epsom salts and the color came back some. Im willling to bet recovery results would be better & or prevented if using cal-mag...


Well-Known Member
yes as with hempy an other hydro based mediums cal-mag can be used well in dwc...what helps correct the problem faster is doing a root zone application an if still in veg or early enough in flower i would suggest folier feeding as well...but when doing both the solution should be diluted...peace az


Well-Known Member
yes as with hempy an other hydro based mediums cal-mag can be used well in dwc...what helps correct the problem faster is doing a root zone application an if still in veg or early enough in flower i would suggest folier feeding as well...but when doing both the solution should be diluted...peace az

Thanks!! I appreciate the information. +rep


Active Member
hello i have a quick question im doing a HB and its been 3 weeks from seed no nutrients just 5.8 ph ed water and the tips of my first set of leaves are yellow dried up and poniting toward the ceiling what could this mean? thanks


Well-Known Member
chances are it's because you haven't been using nutes. because it's a lifeless medium you have to start with the nutes soon after seeds break ground. i started my first hempy not long ago and i started it on nutes right after it popped up. as long as you start off light it won't burn them.


Well-Known Member
hello i have a quick question im doing a HB and its been 3 weeks from seed no nutrients just 5.8 ph ed water and the tips of my first set of leaves are yellow dried up and poniting toward the ceiling what could this mean? thanks

What are you using for water? If it's hard tap water, you may need to consider switching to RO. Also, after three weeks, do you have MORE than the first set of leaves? If not, start over. If so, what state are they in? yellow and dry as well?


Well-Known Member
I very lightly watered mine for about 10 days with plain water. Then I started with the nutes until 10% flowed out the hole. Once the roots reached down far they had a nice AN surprise waiting for them. At about the 14 day mark, it was like jacks beanstalk!! They took off and it was heaven ever since. My hempy grow just finished last week. Journal in my sig :hump:
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