The hangover cure!!


Well-Known Member
hey all, i'm hung over as fuck atm and just thought i'd share my ultimate hangover cure.


a cheese burger(preferabley bought the night before as i always seem to pass out on the couch before i can eat it.)
a choc milk
and copius amounts of weed.


smoke weed, eat cheese burger, smoke weed, drink choc milk, smoke weed:blsmoke:

feel free to share your remedies


Well-Known Member
use alkaseltzer wake up call

hangover CURE
hands down

i mean drink 25 beers (what i did) with sum shots ontop

wake up next day drink those mofos down...keep em down...and in ten min ull start to feel better already


Well-Known Member
get head from girlfriend .... blow load,,,,,,, go to sleep .. wake up pee.. and repeat

i struggle to blow my load when i'm as bad as i was last night!
i've actuall fallen asleep while getting blown before haha she was shit anyways:hump:

does anyone else agree that a cone can really cure that mornng after stomach churning, works everytime for me


Well-Known Member
Drink some water when you're done drinking your alcohol. Then smoke when you wake up and drink some more water. You'll feel better.


Well-Known Member
I think Im with Korvette on this one, some head a roast beef sandwich, and some hair of the dog.


Well-Known Member
if your recovering from doing to much coke:

tang, peptobismo, water, two eggs

blend and then crack a raw egg on top(dont shake)

saves lives


Well-Known Member
hey the only way to prevent a hangover is to drink water after drinking bc a hangover is from dehydration.

thats ur remidy that will only work 100percent


Well-Known Member
Yeah, chug water before you go to bed, and try to sleep as much as possible... I hate those all fucking day hangovers where its like you have the fucking flu or some shit


Well-Known Member
i Drink a liter or so of water before i go to bed if i go out drinking.

Stops the headaches but doesn't stop the stomach pains!