So Dudes,
Cool feedback. I guess this should have been a grow journal, but i didn't read before jumping into posting..
IO've been running through this grow in my head. Especially after the advice to finish on my HiD. I think this grow will be 100% LED. The Illuminator is supposedly one of the better LED's out there. And according to them I should have all I need in order to produce in a 1m x 1m space. My push should be equivalent to at least a grow with a 150w HPS. They say equal to the usable light emitted by a 400w, but i guess our plants are lying because they must be using some of the "unusable" light, since I've not yet seen a 90W LED outperform a 400w anything!!
This grow will stay on the Illuminator. And i'll probably use base nutes of only Adv Nutrients. i'll use different additives as I learn them but i'll use a base of adv Nut. It'll be a good control measure..
next grow during the winter I will do an all HiD push still adv nut.
The finally I'll do a push vegging with illuminator, and flower on HiD and still adv nut
Then the final target would ideally be to get another Illuminator and see if it make a noticeable difference using 2 Illluminators for the entire grow.
Then hopefully I'll change nutes since these are expensive and I see that NOW, BUT they are one of the few
complete lines available in shop at the local grow shops,
I guess we can't lose sight though that an LED grow is still sooo much lighter on the wallet in terms of electricity so there is definitely a trade off to be considered.
@ Flo grow - Dude I'm only running the 90W Illuminator now. reason being: Its supposed to be perfectly spec'd for my size grow area, without a scrog, so with it should be totally dialed in.

should be......
@ gom - you know dude, this UFO is supposed to be like the total "all u need" for a space my size, check it:
View attachment 1174520
I'm not knocking whichever LED's your runnin' bro, (how could I? I haven't even perused your push yet

) but I kinda looked around and finally read a little before parachuting into this $300 investment. Especially when i'm sitting looking at this 400W Hid, sitting here lookin at me. In fact I think I MAY HAVE made the right choice because the more I find out about the light the more I'm impressed with it. For instance: it's one of the only LED designers (because they are all manufactured in China), that uses UV LED's so this should make for a totally resinous flower session. Oh dude fucking thanks for the Rep. good lookin out dude. totally appreciated!!
@onthedl - as u read earlier I'll take your advice but I'll probably do it in the form of a journal. Since I have some strains with similar grow traits coming I'll be able to run some controlled grows, including plant eating comparisons as well as growth pattens and reactions to only LED or LED HiD mix.
Guess i'll go buy those pH tabs and a proper pH tester today. it's a pain in the ass using the drops!! Total inefficient use of time!!!

fuck that getting a pH tester today! I'm just getting a bit tired of shelling out dough every 2 days!
