The Grexit

And olives
I find coalitions get put to test under crisis and stress. Needless to say I think it is absolutely embarassing even considering kicking a very week member of a common economic area no matter the reason.
For fuck sake a few weeks ago the Greek FInance Minister wanted to make huge cuts on military spending, btw greece was for some reason the HIGHEST military spending country out of EU, but Troika and Merkel obviouly said no cause then France and Grmany would lose revenue on their belic goods sold to greece.
Anyone who doesnt realize that the Euro really was created so that Germany more than any other country really could more easily, due to a combination of factors that come about using a common currency, punt their shit all across europe. Thats it, there are loads of other reasons but i swear to all of you thats the main one. Germans are fucked up weve got way too much evidence in history that proves so.
And come on dont come to me with the erm but they borrowed money, now they should pay. What do you think is gonna happen if suddenly interest rates drop from 30% on personal loans to around 5 or 6%? Ye even i might go borrow some money. The matter of fact is a lot EU countries that joined the EURO wouldnt even be economically ready now much less nearly 2 decades ago.
EU is a fucking JOKE people in power were way more than aware of what was going on but those reaping benefits have em on pay roll. Until some kind of common fiscal policy is created, which would never happen due to redistribution of wealth in poorer countries of economic area, all the EU is to me is a mafia period.
Tbh If i got forced out the Euro Id literally not pay the fuckers one cent. Its not like theyd send NATO in raise some hell lol. Plus the amount of shit the greeks will be in just from hyperinflation lol wed have the European Zimbabwe. Dracmas devaluing everyday against foreing currency theyd never pay the loans.
FFs is it jkust me or doesnt EU look like a thugy debt collector?!