The Greatest Show On Earth Presents The 16oz Party Cup Grow Off

You Have Until January 15 To Declare Your Competing In This Years Party Cup. Then The Signed Up Competitors Will Have Until January 31st to Show Germination Pics. Miss The January 15 Sign Up Date And Your Out. Sign Up And Miss The January 31st Germination Date And Your Out. NO Exceptions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:fire:

Below Is The Rules for the 2019 Party Cup Grow Off. Good Luck And Pass Me The Dawg Food :weed:

These Are The Basic Rules

1) Each Constant Is Allowed To Use Any 16 Oz Cup . You Are Allowed To Us A Lid And Can Make Alterations To It. No Off Board Reservoirs For Hydro And Top Net Pot Can Not Exceed The Top Of The Party Cup.

1b) Each Contestant is Allowed 5 Cups For Regular Seeds And Feminized Seeds Are Allowed 3 Cups But Must Declare 1 Entry For Flowering

1c) For The Dirt Growers(1) 1/4 Inch Hole Centered On The Bottom Of The Cup Is Ok For Flushing Purpose's

2) Light Must Be Led Only Yes For Those With 1/2 A Brain Cob's Are Leds And Are Allowed(No HID's Cmh's T-5 Or Induction) Each Contestant Must Start With And Finish With The Same Light.

2a) No Autos Allowed. We Have Tried That And It Didnt Work.

2b) If Your Running Regular Seeds You May Start 5,If Running Feminized Your Allowed 3

3) Each Contestant Must Start 12 x 12 From Seed With No Vegging.

4) Each Constant Must Start And Finish In The Same Encloser

5) If You Don't Like These Rules Don't Whine Rather Just Don't Partake In Our Competition
Question, if my plant gets too big can I put duct tape around it and stick it to something so I dont tip it over or so it doesnt fall over with its own weight? Or something along those lines?
@hybridway2 Can Tell Yall About The New Amare Lm301b Plus Orsam's That He Is Donating To Our Cause :clap:

Thats 3 Quality Lamps My Party Cup Hommies :hump:


Timber Chibi

New Amare To Be Named

Lets Give A Big Salute To these Fine Companies For Supporting Our Competition :weed::hug::hump:

Correction : The Only Thin I'm Donating Up In ThIs Bitch Is a Good Ole Fashion Ass Whoopin!
Amare is the Sponsor & is making the donation to anyone who can beat me. Cuz If I win that will be mine.
Nvr smoked crack in my life. Did meth once. It's a skinny people drug though. I'm too fat n lazy to be geekn.

Edit: so will they just ship me the lights or will they ship them to you. So you can mail them to me? When i win.

Oh Oh You One Of Those That Pops Oxy's Like Their M&M's And Grows In His Mommy's Basement All The While Spanking His Pud bongsmilie
Correction : The Only Thin I'm Donating Up In ThIs Bitch Is a Good Ole Fashion Ass Whoopin!
Amare is the Sponsor & is making the donation to anyone who can beat me. Cuz If I win that will be mine.
The se300 is working out well, thanks for that. Id like another amare light. Victor knows I can beat you and already has my address, just a matter of time I guess.
Oh Oh You One Of Those That Pops Oxy's Like Their M&M's And Grows In His Mommy's Basement All The While Spanking His Pud bongsmilie

Nope, just a regular ol pot head. I dont even drink. Very very seldom. Every once in awhile when I chop something that's super nice. Me and the ol lady like to do a 90 day cure. And then when we crack it open for the first time. After a long cure. We have wine with it. It seems to bring out the flavor of the wine and the wine helps taste different flavors of the weed. Take a hit, inhale. Sip of wine. Exhale. It's pretty good sometimes.... but that's enough about me. I just wonder know which light I'll use first.
Oh Oh You One Of Those That Pops Oxy's Like Their M&M's And Grows In His Mommy's Basement All The While Spanking His Pud bongsmilie
We should encourage others, after all 50% will crash and burn in the 1st 3 or 4 weeks.

It would be nice if the experienced growers who have crashed and burned in the past share advice with the others.

I can't help there being 16-0 from seed to harvest in a solo cup but I'm sure there are plenty of growers who have crashed and burned who can offer advice.

What advice would you give them?
Edit: so will they just ship me the lights or will they ship them to you. So you can mail them to me? When i win.

I Dont Play Like Dat!!!!!!!!!! When The Comp Ends The 1st Place Competitor Will Have 24 Hours To Make His Choice Of Lamps. Then The Competitor Will Have To Contact Said Lamp Mfg With His Shipping Address.:hump:
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Soil mix seems good.

This topped plant has a nice expression that doesn't usually show up unless things are good.
I'll take it as a good sign.

I took some of that soil and mixed in some additional perlite, ff happy frog 6-4-4, EWC, gypsum and kelp meal to see how 6 test seedlings handle the additional ferts.

I have 6 more germinating now for some last minute practice.

3 seedlings are in the LED tent the other 3 are in the veg tent.

Not sure what a good height for the light is for a seedling under a 135w 288 v2 so I went with 28".

@The Dawg if you are grumpy because you came up with the silly idea to grow organic there is still time to run back to DWC and compete against Hydodan.

100_9758.JPG LED grow! Day 2!
Another question, we cant germinate by dropping seeds in a shot glass for a soak and/or put them in wet paper towels to germinate right? We have to start the seeds in the cup?

I'll try to help with some of these questions for the Dawg so he can focus on his soil.

I'll try to respond as he would and if I am wrong someone will correct me.

Welcome Fellow Grower!
This Is a Great Question!
Thank You For Asking!

You Can Start Your Seed In A Paper Towel. If You Would Like To Put Your Seed In a Glass Of Water 1st, Please Feel Free To Do So.
Be Especially Careful When Moving The Germinated Seedling To The Solo Cup.

I Hope This Helped.
If You Or Any Fellow Contender Has Any Other Questions Please Ask.
Have A Wonderful Day! :peace: