The Greatest Drug In History. aKa (ecstacy or MDMA)


Well-Known Member
And the award for stupidest new member of RUI goes to....


i love pussy. i love going to raves and rolling balls while underage girls sucks my dick on the dancefloor in their body painted costumes. i once saw a girl get fucked with a gun in SLC. jesus christ some poeple are dumb, x makes bitches horrrrnny. mormon chicks r dirtayyyy. i be up in that shit all night. as for having sex on a roll, yeah probbaly a bad idea to fuck before or while your peaking, as youll just cum gallons of jizz constantly and wont reach orgasm. Sex on molly is actually pretty good and much easier to stay super hard than a roll. i read a study on erowid that said that viagra and x can be combined safely. i mean damn, shits been around for almost 100 years now and people still crap themselves like its some drug from a violent video game. fuckin body builders used to take large ass ammounts to build musscle or cut before a comp, and you know they like those ripped 8 packs huh?
Thanks for the laugh but you are talking out your ass.

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
Body builders have utilized ghb for training purposes. Most definitely not mdma or mda.

fuckin etards


Active Member
did i really start this thread. "Gallons of jizz"? what is this world coming too. idk bout you but i cant finish at all when im rolling. sorry to hear about your shitty bombs rudeboy. piperz will make you not as hard and u can finish pretty EZ. as for straight amphs im not sure but MDMA will keep you going all night without a doubt.


New Member
I would love to hear what you guys have to say about my favorite drug Ecstacy. Maybe Share Some Expiriences.

Although i dont really do it much anymore i can still say it has to be the greatest drug. dispite all of the
CNS (central nervous system) damage and Brain damage it does, it makes you feel so incredibly great.
All im trying to say is i really enjoy a really good bomb, or some MOLLLLLLLYzz... DONT YOU?!?!?



New Member
I took it over a 3 year period every weekend and had some of the best times of my life, however it does catch up with you (trust me it does) i also now have a slight stutter and still see strong flashes of light down both eyes, man we had some good times on E i stopped a while ago as i just could not keep it down anymore always got a rush and then wanted to be sick (bad times)


New Member
the first time i ever did e was at a blacklight party. it changed everything. first time i ever did mdma was in school. i fealt like i could all the problems on my paper and all the problems on the board and for once i was actually enjoying being in math class.
Fuck me ! you take these kind of drugs in clubs not school lol, they go with the music not math, your story still made me laugh, i cant talk i used to buzz gas when i went to sckool, many moons ago, am 40 this year oh my god my life is over lol. chill....:weed:


Well-Known Member
E was great when i was a kid, then grew up

I am sure thats what happened, you grew up :roll:
Kids stuff cause you are so grown up and like to act too cool for shit you did not too long ago.

You remind me of the people that are like ' I smoked pot in high school but then I had to grow up.'


Well-Known Member
ok? dude im 16 and i smoke weed like once a weekend or once ever 2 weeks or so..u know just when im with other people and other people do it. BUt i will never do anything other than weed, because ive seen what it has done to other people, i see the addictions man. Weed is pretty much a safe drug, but other than that, once you start experimenting, is when it gets dangerous. IM an athlete in High school and i just dont see why you would take the risk in coke, meth, ecstasy, heroid if you know it can be addicting and your taking a chance.


Well-Known Member
ok? dude im 16 and i smoke weed like once a weekend or once ever 2 weeks or so..u know just when im with other people and other people do it. BUt i will never do anything other than weed, because ive seen what it has done to other people, i see the addictions man. Weed is pretty much a safe drug, but other than that, once you start experimenting, is when it gets dangerous. IM an athlete in High school and i just dont see why you would take the risk in coke, meth, ecstasy, heroid if you know it can be addicting and your taking a chance.

So wait a few years before you experience other drugs. Go to a festival like Bonnaro or Rothbury and just enjoy the environment.