The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!


Well-Known Member
Ha! Plant bondage? Really? I'm just doing what I've seen here. When I get ready to tie them down I just stick a piece of the floral wire in the dirt and wrap it around the branch. I didn't know I was doing it any differently from anyone else! Although before I found the floral wire I was just pinning them down with bent paper clips for that ghetto look. When we finally got a week of hot sun they grew like maniacs, and I realized that if I didn't tie down the branches coming off the main stalk, they were still going to get tall enough to be conspicuous. My neighbors on either side are smokers who are happy I'm growing, but I don't know the people upstairs and they can see my terrace from their fire escape. Our building always smells like weed (ha) so I doubt anyone here has any issues with it, but better safe than sorry. I need to keep them low enough I can hide them behind tomato and basil and berry plants when they start to flower. Although it would be really funny if those huge colas were sticking up behind the veggies. God I can't wait to see those colas! I'm psyched you guys think my plants look good.

This week I started misting them a couple of times a day with VERY diluted Superthrive water. Between that and the sunshine they're loving life. I hope the sun continues!

And it's all good, I know you're a nice guy. :)
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Well-Known Member
Littlebat so far so good but I would not recommend bondage that agresive on plants so young just my two cents.
You ask if i top the connies seen in the pics and they were not topped but I did not grow thoese. They were grown my a newbie team member up in canada and they run day temps of 100 so lots of stretch occured.
I think almost all cannabis will benifit from topping esp in a cab grow.

Top Low and then train em well.

Looks good so far and even with that agresive tie down they will be fine and respond into nice short bushes.

Well Done.



Well-Known Member
Thank you Sub! I thought I might have tied them down too hard but they do seem to be okay. I'll chill a bit with the bondage. :)

In the meantime, how about a couple of cab pics? So far so good, but the hydro plant on the left has ever-so-slightly browned tips. I'm not sure why, and it's now doing fine. I'm using the nutes 1/8 strength and the pH is correct, and the plant on the right showed no damage. So who knows. Any ideas?


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Well-Known Member
Here is the update...they are doin well and growin fast. I topped them both within the last 24 are the pics....the other ten seeds I am gonna give up on tomorrow afternoon if they dont pop for me by then....i dont think they will....i got four other seeds to pop right next to the connies in the last few days and they are in soil's just not gonna happen with the rest of's okay though...we'll just make more seeds....and clones...he he he



Well-Known Member
Wow, HT, you top early! Are you using the tops for clones?

If you need more seeds talk to yeldah. I'm out but she has 'em. They germed like crazy for me, I don't know why they didn't for you! But let's hope you've got a boy and a girl there and they can make little Conquistador babies. :)

I just finished lining the cab with mylar. What a huge pain in the ass that was! But it's shiny shiny now. I also got the Rainbow Mix Bloom I ordered and I put it on my flowers and tomatoes to see if it makes a difference. I gave it to one tomato plant and not the other, and one zinnia but not the other. Science!
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Well-Known Member
Wow, HT, you top early! Are you using the tops for clones?

If you need more seeds talk to yeldah. I'm out but she has 'em. They germed like crazy for me, I don't know why they didn't for you! But let's hope you've got a boy and a girl there and they can make little Conquistador babies. :)

I just finished lining the cab with mylar. What a huge pain in the ass that was! But it's shiny shiny now. I also got the Rainbow Mix Bloom I ordered and I put it on my flowers and tomatoes to see if it makes a difference. I gave it to one tomato plant and not the other, and one zinnia but not the other. Science!
way to be on the mylar little far as topping them i dont use those for clones...they are just tiny leaves....thats how I get two colas.... ;)


Active Member
I am growing pineapple dog shit and white widow@ the moment. i had to pull 2 "red's remedy" plants i got from the clinic because they seemed to have been taken from plants in bud and didn't revert. they were really odd, the leaves were curly and i noticed they were much more prone to bugs, so i yanked them. why on earth would people(who supposedly know what the fuck they are doing) take clones from a budding plant, y'all are ever hear of this practice?
so needless to say I am dealing with the pain-in-the-ass but necessary task of 'neeming' my whole garden...



Well-Known Member
Yeldah, do you have good luck with the neem? I used it to NO avail. Then I switched to a tobacco tea with a spot of soap and it works GREAT. The soap also keeps it from smelling like an ashtray.

I can't say a thing about the clones, I've only cloned geraniums. :lol: No, seriously.


Well-Known Member
way to be on the mylar little far as topping them i dont use those for clones...they are just tiny leaves....thats how I get two colas.... ;)
The goddamn squirrels topped mine for me. :)

That looks rad Yeldah!!! Tell us more about this pineapple dogshit...


Well-Known Member
I just found dogshit on my front deck, again. :( It's the old dog, she's not making it off the deck anymore. And her sleeping area is beginning to smell like pee. I think I'm really gonna have to send her down to my folks' place where it's easier for her to get around. I love Missy.


Well-Known Member
You kids ready for some decked-out cab pics? Awwww yeah. Trying to cut and hang that goddamn mylar by myself was quite an adventure. But I would like for you to take note of the fact that I did my third res change this morning and I have yet to burn them with the nutes!



Well-Known Member
Ha, more like clueless n00b, but thank you! :blsmoke:

Are you ready for some outdoor pics? The first one is the plant that got its head chomped off by some godforsaken evil bastard squirrel when it had just sprouted its very first set of leaves. I almost, almost pulled it up right then, but I didn't, and now check it out six weeks later! The plant in the 4th pic was also attacked, it had all its leaves chewed off! Again, six weeks later...hopefully this will be proof to whomever reads it that you should NEVER give up on your plants!!!

Note also the Afghani/MK growing behind an impenetrable squirrel-proof fence! Oh, and the orange stuff you see on my plants is the sprinkle of cayenne pepper that keeps the squirrels away.



Active Member
im having ok luck so far with the neem but its really too early to tell, i will definitely keep you posted. it worked for me on maui with mites but it really wasnt as hge a problem as it is for me now...


Active Member
littlebat, i am sorry those squirrels are behaving so rudely!
i can always send you more seeds if you need...
wishing i could mail clones to you...


Well-Known Member
littlebat, i am sorry those squirrels are behaving so rudely!
i can always send you more seeds if you need...
wishing i could mail clones to you...
I found a way to package clones for mail with the top half of a plastic soda bottle...some toilet paper...and some duct tape.....if you are interested in knowing yeldah lemme know...:blsmoke: