The Great Reset

I am just ignoring her, all 'she' wants to do is clutter up the forum. Mind you, she makes PJ seem reasonable.

I posted The Hill opinion piece as I was hoping governments would be pushed by the pandemic to realize we need a strategy for the future, after all it was just an opinion piece. I normally do not read them and stick to The Hill's news.
Yeah it is quite spamerific.

And I hope you don't think I am giving you shit, I do like most of the stuff you post. I just also like pointing out that the Hill < AP because the Hill slips in propaganda trolls.

And I would (much) rather bump one of your threads than the one that is currently being spammed.
Yeah it is quite spamerific.

And I hope you don't think I am giving you shit, I do like most of the stuff you post. I just also like pointing out that the Hill < AP because the Hill slips in propaganda trolls.

And I would (much) rather bump one of your threads than the one that is currently being spammed.
We actually discussed a lot more in this thread than all 'her's' combined. "She' is exactly how you described, a spambot.

I use it in my freezer to stop it from smelling weird (I think that is why it is in there anyways, now that I think about it, could just be one of those stupid things I thought was real and wasn't).
Baking soda and CA glue is good for repairing guitar nuts where you have lowered the string height too much. It is sort of a Action Reset.
I use it in my freezer to stop it from smelling weird (I think that is why it is in there anyways, now that I think about it, could just be one of those stupid things I thought was real and wasn't).

i use it there too.....

it also works for humidity, it will drop humidity in an area
The great reset is going to happen on it's own whether we like it or not. The pandemic, climate change, famine and mass migration will drive it. It would be better if we tried to steer the transition but humans can't agree on anything so it will end up being a uncontrolled train wreck coming.
Altering surface ph can be a organic solution for PM. I use potassium bicarbonate for a quick treatment and organic stylet oil for a more long term treatment.
I plan on doing some baking when I finally get my shit together. Have a backlog of projects to get through first. Want to try and reduce my sugar and salt intake. The sad thing is I like the two, even combined.
Large parts of the middle east are becoming unlivable and as they do the people will migrate to survive. The Syrian migration was mostly driven by climate change not the civil war. The Arab spring was about bread riots caused by grain shortages cause by Russian drought, not a yearning for democracy. Large parts of Iran are now in severe drought and the farm animals are dying, they will soon be forced to migrate. This type of stuff is happening all over the planet.
Large parts of the middle east are becoming unlivable and as they do the people will migrate to survive. The Syrian migration was mostly driven by climate change not the civil war. The Arab spring was about bread riots caused by grain shortages cause by Russian drought, not a yearning for democracy. Large parts of Iran are now in severe drought and the farm animals are dying, they will soon be forced to migrate. This type of stuff is happening all over the planet.
And the people need a way to make a living. Technology is at the point where we have more people than jobs that pay a living wage. The wealth is also being concentrated in the hands of a few who make the rules or ignore them and hide money in offshore accounts.