The Great Pheno Hunt - Vertical Grow


Well-Known Member
Extrema plant with another Extrema girl behind and 2 SP in the corner on the left. Same canopy as the widow different side.


Well-Known Member
So the arrangement of plants here clockwise (large) bottom plant is extrema, then sugar punch, then sugar punch, then extrema, then mad shack (nute burn), then there's a skunk plant hidden in the corner I don't expect a lot out of and had crazy sativa dominant leaves from birth. Then the plant on the ground in front of the shelf is extrema as well. On the wall we have mostly NL except for the first plant closest to me which is another WW. I have a pic of the Kushberry as well coming up. Very squat plant.


Well-Known Member
As you can see, not perfect, some wind stress from fans but I usually have that. Try to minimize it. Some nutrient burn as well, not a total shock. Generally flush out salts around week 4, waited too long. Shit happens, most are pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
Picked up some more milk crates etc. Elevated a couple more plants, will update with pics tomorrow most likely.


250ppm Calmag, 300ppm DG Bloom, 100ppm PK13/14, 50mL Cannazyme, 100ppm Liquid Karma


Well-Known Member
I also think I'm gonna hit the 3lb mark *fingers crossed*, but we'll see. Just judging based on the canopy size relative my last grow (of course who knows how the genetics end up performing). With any luck I'll hit 2lbs per light.


Well-Known Member
Have you grown the extrema before? I wondered how the smoke was. I have some extrema beans and have thought about popping them sometime soon.


Well-Known Member
No, I have not, but I have read enough good things that I went ahead with them. I know they are hermie prone so I have been watching closely. So far so good. I am hoping for a nice chem dominant pheno.


Well-Known Member
Thank you sir. If that bong in your avatar is yours - it's equally awesome, if not more so.

Been watering straight water looking for deficiencies instead of just feeding a set schedule the past few days.

Decided to feed tonight:

200ppm Calmag
300ppm DG Bloom
20ppm Potassium Silicate
50ppm Liquid Karma

Also worth noting:

6x Bright Moments (Grapestomper x Grapestomper OG) GGG
6x NL x Haze MNS
6x Tombstone Phx seeds (OG Kush x Tuscon Haze - not released for public consumption yet!)
6x C99 - courtesy - although it might be Frost Dizzle's filial. I am unsure, either way, a 50-55 day sativa has me excited.

All germinating.


Well-Known Member
Just water today. Fed with my standard mix yesterday. Haven't been updating as religiously, but I took some pictures tonight.

First up: Northern Lights from PeakseedsBC. These girls all smell like classic NL#5 - piney/sweet. Anyone who's smoked NL knows what I'm talking about. And they're starting to get frosty. We're almost into week 5- they are from seed, so I expect them to take a bit longer as I flipped them into 12/12 probably before they were fully mature.

Second up a branchy Black Widow plant. Looks like it will be fairly heavy yielding. Notice the thick ass stem in the small ass pot. Can't go more than a day without water. Next time I'm probably going to build beds to put on my shelving unit. Will be easier.

Third up another Black Widow. Different plant, close up. Starting to get pretty frosty. Two shots of the same plant, different angles.

Next we have an extrema top cola. Hairs galore.

All of those plants were more difficult to move and/or I was too lazy to move them. Here are some different plants in better light.

Sweet Skunk - PeakseedsBC. Starting to get frosty. Looking a lot like the phenotype in some of the pictures on his site. Won't be done by New Years I don't think.

And a close up:

And finally what looks like my most promising early Black Widow. These plants actually got a bit bigger than I expected in the small pots. Nothing but roots in there.

And a close up of the frosty goodness:



Well-Known Member
unfortunatly its not my bong wish it was tho lol but did find a glass blower that mite make me something similar lol


Well-Known Member
So, I dragged the Black Widow plant in my last post that I photoed under HPS from it's habitat. I say habitat because it's a monster.

My intention with this run was to keep plants small and to just run some testers basically. So much for that. Yay hybrid vigor.

And a close up:

Another closeup:

Similarly frosty. Most of them are about as frosty as the above, the one I linked earlier is the frostiest of all of them at this point. We will see how it develops.

Also I should include an interesting picture of some root development. When I pulled it up I didn't expect to see this:

And one last phenotype, similarly frosty, a little squatter. There seem to be two main expressions, one bushier and squatter and the other taller and a bit less bushy (except for the one I posted above which is quite remarkably bushy and tall).

Also watered with water tonight.


Well-Known Member
Very nice grow. You got a lot going on here. Nice.
I like that you run Peakseedsbc. It looks like you have most of the collection. Nice.
So, is this pheno hunt complete?