The Gods favor @Sunni Happy Birthday and others

@sunni was favored with the eclipse, I was favored by the Mt St Helen's eruption in 1980. What does this mean? It fuckin means the Gods favor guidos above all humans, you losers.

A friend on mine did this when we were in kindergarten!

With a tweezers!!!:mrgreen:
My dad wound a coil once as a solenoid. i was eight. i stuck the wires into an outlet. It was no longer an operational solenoid after that. I was too scared to tell my dad. He figured it out and told me not to do that again. I didn't ... quite like that. The solenoid was for a train set he'd built, and I ruined the tracks turning the transformer to max and laying strands of steel wool across the tracks. The beads of hot slag sort of did a number on the polystyrene sleepers of the HO track.