The Goat's Amateur Secret Garden - Test Run


Well-Known Member
thanks for the new subs guys, here's a long overdue update from today:

The spot they are in is not super well-lit, so they aren't as big as they should be. also a deer ate the crown of one of them, good thing this is a TEST RUN! woot!



Well-Known Member
so i obviously have been slacking on this thread, mostly because I haven't even visited my plants in like a month (they found water)... so i decide to check on them a few days ago. instead of the jungle that hid my solemn three plants I found the barren wasteland in the first pic. the second and third pics are where the plants had been, no trace remained whatsoever.

:twisted:The Plants are Fuckin Gone Man:twisted:

I didn't even tell them how much I cared:cry:

but seriously i kinda called this from the beginning. my only loss in the situation is soil, time, and potential outdoor knowledge. :peace: and love my friends.



Active Member
That sucks man, but like you said when you started it was all a learning curve... gl on the indoor!