I think it is funny i live in a no weed ok state yet if you got the money you can get these strains. In fact bubba K came around at a discount and I know it came from another state which does not have decrim. Basically it seems like as soon as a state gets legal thier neighbor state goes dry. WTF is up with that. And you guys are all wearing masks...Fuck yea, if the feds wanna scrww witha ya make them work. HAHAHA, like the feds care about pot with millions of people in the middle east wanting to invade and destroy america, and kill all americans. For real, there are people who believe that americans are all the embodiments of satanistic zionists. I guess pot is kinda on the back burner, plus alot folks droppin the habbit temp. to get jobs, respectable but also drys it up around here.