The future of video gaming is here ... almost.


New Member

This is one neat gadget and can read ur brainwaves and translate it wireless to software in ur computer. It's quite cheap at 199.00 and this is just the beginning.

Just a few years we'll be playing advanced games with this gear. It will change everything!! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Ive seen this stuff being used for painters who are quadriplegics. Thats about it. I dont know any links either, It was on tv.


Active Member
This shit sounds fucking crazy. How is it only 200 bucks? This kind of shit is normally in the thousands when it first comes out. If they're only 200 now, are they going to be cheaper or more expensive when it becomes popular?


New Member
OMG!! Check this one out!! :lol: This is going to sell out. get urs now, no foolies...:lol:



Well-Known Member
Lol, its some serious stuff. I wonder how it really works. its prety messed up if that thing can press on my forehead and read what i want it to do...

Sr. Verde

Lol, its some serious stuff. I wonder how it really works. its prety messed up if that thing can press on my forehead and read what i want it to do...
Your brain basically breaks down signals to frequencies.

The way youd calibrate it is you would say need to set 'look up' the device would 'listen' to your brain as you thought of, 'look up' it would then remember that signal/frequency and everytime it saw/heard that, it would refrence it to a command.

They have this technology but mainly for paraplegics, they use a mouse with a simple 2 dimensional plane (up down left right) and CLICK to browse the web, or it goes through a dictionary with you (like above) and you think of letters and it shows on the screen what it thinks your thinking so people who can no longer speak can communicate with the outside world.

More info in the link below:

It's interesting, but sort of a back route method to "brain control"

I dont believe anything is even close to understanding the human brain, the closest we can do is have a machine remember what signals correspond to what which is really a workaround...