Get a clue US Govn't.. Legalize it and Tax it like anything else.
Clear up jail space and go after the real bad guys....
i dont think it will ever happen, at the turn of the century cannabis was going to be a multibillion dollar industry until it was majorly cockblocked by the petrochemical/paper conglomerates.
Clear up the jails?? FUCK ME that is what they WANT in this country!!! There's an entire industry based on jailing of people like you and me, its been called the prison-industrial-complex, and it requires obscene laws to encourage the incarceration of people just living their lives. how it works is... YOU go to jail and THEY get $$$RICH$$$. our govt. = the real bad guys lol, why dont people see this??victimless crime my man, victimless crime...
Anyway with the help of the gods we all may overcome and i think we will have to fight to get things right in this country, because who'se got time for the bullshit? you see, all this bad shit going down in america, fuck, in the world is simply the Earth letting us know that we've been doing it all wrong and its like payback on some bad karma. man, i blame the hippies, they ruined it for all future stoners. :'(