The Future of Foods -MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY!


New Member
There is a revolution happening in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America -- a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.

THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade.
From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply.

Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

YouTube - Future of Food (1-9)


New Member
This is capitalism run amok. These men are trying to control the FOOD SUPPLY! This is not JUST about the safety of this food- which is a real concern. These men have it in their minds to hold us hostage to their food supplies, to force us to use their chemicals; or the food will not grow, and who knows what is actually in the food.

They now have birth control for women being produced in genetically modified corn. It's easier and cheaper for a plant to 'grow' the birth control, then it is for a factory to manufacture it. And what if that corn just 'happens' to get into the general population's food supply? FYI- The ruling class of this and EVERY nation has been experimenting with sterility in eugenics programs for a century people! People at all levels of this government, including the Clintons have signed documents stating it is their MISSION to REDUCE world population down to 500 million. For the good of the planet-of course. This spells real danger to me.

Buy organic!


New Member
This is capitalism run amok. These men are trying to control the FOOD SUPPLY! This is not JUST about the safety of this food- which is a real concern. These men have it in their minds to hold us hostage to their food supplies, to force us to use their chemicals; or the food will not grow, and who knows what is actually in the food.

They now have birth control for women being produced in genetically modified corn. It's easier and cheaper for a plant to 'grow' the birth control, then it is for a factory to manufacture it. And what if that corn just 'happens' to get into the general population's food supply? FYI- The ruling class of this and EVERY nation has been experimenting with sterility in eugenics programs for a century people! People at all levels of this government, including the Clintons have signed documents stating it is their MISSION to REDUCE world population down to 500 million. For the good of the planet-of course. This spells real danger to me.

Buy organic!
Are you suggesting they are going to poison the other 6.5 Billion out of existence, Man I better open a mortuary and get ready, while ingesting only organic foods. Maybe that will be the start of the soylent green factories,~LOL~. Let's see, on the menue, Leg of human with genetically grown potatoes, Hey, or Human rump roast, the latter sounds rather unappealing, eh. I wonder what is really in those Big-Macs? BTW, I'll watch this later, I've got to go out to eat, ~LOL~.


New Member
call me paranoid, but No, i dont trust the government.

ask yourself a simple question: why does the FDA (who's job it is to ensure our food stuffs are labeled acurately for informed buying, REFUSE to label foods that have Genetically Modified ingrediants in them? And why does the media not inform the public on the process and dangers of food that Europe has outlawed?

the movie answers those questions...but i'm sure you can guess the corporate buisness/white house connections...


New Member
call me paranoid, but No, i dont trust the government.

ask yourself a simple question: why does the FDA (who's job it is to ensure our food stuffs are labeled acurately for informed buying, REFUSE to label foods that have Genetically Modified ingrediants in them? And why does the media not inform the public on the process and dangers of food that Europe has outlawed?

the movie answers those questions...but i'm sure you can guess the corporate buisness/white house connections...
Aren't they the same guys that OK'd high fructose corn syrup as an additive to most of our processed food? Why would I trust them?


New Member
Part of the reason for genetically engineered crops is that the GE crops resist pests and disease. This cuts down on the use of pesticides ... and of course increases the profits for the corporate farms.

We, here in the U.S. have become "Corn People." Corn and its derivatives are in almost everything we eat that is purchased at regular supermarkets. To get away from it, one has to read every label and shop at stores that are known for marketing organic products. Whole Foods market is a good one. Trader Joe's is another.

We should be a lot more selective on our meats and eggs too. Most meats are shot full of hormones and steriods. Most eggs come from chickens that are raised in VERY confined spaces, and they shot full of hormones and steriods. Look for organically grown beef, lamb, pork and chicken. Also look for "range-free" eggs that come from chickens that are fed an organic diet. Yes, it cost more money, but what's your health worth? Plus there is the extra benefit ... the stuff tastes WAY better.

Med is absolutly dead-on correct on the High Fructose Corn Syrup. The research I've done points out that HFCS is the cause of the obesity and type-2 diabetes we've suffered over the past 30 years. The stuff suppresses your insulin level and does not allow the brain to release the chemical that tells it that you are full. Therefore, we have people eating HUGE portions and getting fatter than the Goodyear Blimp. One regular soda contains between 9 to 13 teaspoons of sweetener in the form of HFCS. Its in everything guys ... that flavored yogurt you're so fond of? HFCS. That coffee creamer you like? HFCS. Red vine licorice? Mostly HFCS. Thomas English Muffins? HFCS. Post Raisin Bran? HFCS. In addition to its use as a sweetener, its also used to extend shelf life ... as its also a preservative.

Eliminate ALL corn syrup and especially High Fructose Corn Syrup from your diet ... and watch the pounds just melt away. No joke.

And please don't replace the corn syrups with "diet" anything. Most contain Aspertame ... and that's another poison in its own right. Nasty stuff indeed!



New Member
Part of the reason for genetically engineered crops is that the GE crops resist pests and disease. This cuts down on the use of pesticides ... and of course increases the profits for the corporate farms.

We, here in the U.S. have become "Corn People." Corn and its derivatives are in almost everything we eat that is purchased at regular supermarkets. To get away from it, one has to read every label and shop at stores that are known for marketing organic products. Whole Foods market is a good one. Trader Joe's is another.

We should be a lot more selective on our meats and eggs too. Most meats are shot full of hormones and steriods. Most eggs come from chickens that are raised in VERY confined spaces, and they shot full of hormones and steriods. Look for organically grown beef, lamb, pork and chicken. Also look for "range-free" eggs that come from chickens that are fed an organic diet. Yes, it cost more money, but what's your health worth? Plus there is the extra benefit ... the stuff tastes WAY better.

Med is absolutly dead-on correct on the High Fructose Corn Syrup. The research I've done points out that HFCS is the cause of the obesity and type-2 diabetes we've suffered over the past 30 years. The stuff suppresses your insulin level and does not allow the brain to release the chemical that tells it that you are full. Therefore, we have people eating HUGE portions and getting fatter than the Goodyear Blimp. One regular soda contains between 9 to 13 teaspoons of sweetener in the form of HFCS. Its in everything guys ... that flavored yogurt you're so fond of? HFCS. That coffee creamer you like? HFCS. Red vine licorice? Mostly HFCS. Thomas English Muffins? HFCS. Post Raisin Bran? HFCS. In addition to its use as a sweetener, its also used to extend shelf life ... as its also a preservative.

Eliminate ALL corn syrup and especially High Fructose Corn Syrup from your diet ... and watch the pounds just melt away. No joke.

And please don't replace the corn syrups with "diet" anything. Most contain Aspertame ... and that's another poison in its own right. Nasty stuff indeed!

With my budget, I'd have to go on the reverse osmosis water diet,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
man... we should all boycot food!!!! :P
no. Im just being me, a screw. I'm going to watch it! it better be good!!! or ELSE!!!!


Well-Known Member
I was having a conversation with a dairy farmer in Wisconsin about a year ago, she was saying its tough to keep your head above water being a dairy farmer. Its a life of constant debt. She refused to use hormones in her cattle that increase milk production because it lessens the quality of milk and it makes the cows go dry faster. They have never used steroid or hormones in their cows, and she is a 3rd generation Dairy Farmer. Its sad, she was saying they are going to have to pack it up soon after 3 generations.


New Member
man... we should all boycot food!!!! :P
no. Im just being me, a screw. I'm going to watch it! it better be good!!! or ELSE!!!!
I tried to watch it but the sound was so low I could barely hear it. I'll try and re-load it. Nope, poor quality sound.


New Member
I was having a conversation with a dairy farmer in Wisconsin about a year ago, she was saying its tough to keep your head above water being a dairy farmer. Its a life of constant debt. She refused to use hormones in her cattle that increase milk production because it lessens the quality of milk and it makes the cows go dry faster. They have never used steroid or hormones in their cows, and she is a 3rd generation Dairy Farmer. Its sad, she was saying they are going to have to pack it up soon after 3 generations.

Whole Foods Market used to offer only one brand of organic milk. Now, they offer many. People are catching on to altered foods in a big way. I hope your dairy farmer friend can hang in there a little longer ... the demand is increasing.

I talked with someone yesterday who bought organic chickens at CostCo last week. They come two to the pack, cost twice as much as the regular chickens ... but he said the taste was amazing. Costco has been carrying organic peanut butter for a couple of years now. They also have organic flax-seed meal.

Keep asking your retailer to stock organic products. If the store manager puts you off, just tell him/her that you will be shopping elsewhere. The tide is changing.

Remember, check every label. If High Fructose Corn Syrup is included in the ingredients, just put it back on the shelf. Here's an example: You know the pancake flour you use? Chances are it contains HFCS as a preservative. After the pancakes are done, you know the Mrs. Butterworth syrup you pour over them? Its almost all HFCS. So ... take a little more time to read labels and buy products from a mill (in your grocery store) that sells natural pancake flour. Also, dump out the Mrs. Butterworth syrup and replace it with REAL maple syrup. Hey, maple syrup tastes great in the morning oatmeal too. Replace the refined sugar with maple syrup or honey.
