The fuck the fuck cats thread

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No they aren't pets and it isn't cruelty. I know for a fact 90% of them die instantly. A dark foggy morning may lead to a bad shot oh well. And if you had heard me its more than poop and flowers. They are strays that run the streets. They are probably diseased. They have fought my dogs before and hissed at my kids. Fuck em. You won't make me feel bad about it. I'm not the asshole that bragged about killing over 400 cats for the simple fact I don't like them. I feel I'm justified in it. It's more about protecting my property, my kids and my dogs than killing animals for my own sick pleasure.

no here likes you. leave.
We kill feral cats all the time. They carry diseases and decimate the local bird population. They're an introduced species that is driving native species to extinction. Feral cats carry fleas that can transfer bubonic plague to pet cats and on to humans. Don't blame us for having to control an ecological disaster. Blame the idiots that have pet cats and refuse to have them spayed or neutered. We're the ones that have to waste time and resources on eliminating an out of control issue.

oh look, another shit stain.
If you want to invite them into your yard by feeding them that's your choice more power to you. I don't want them on my property. I work hard on this property to have it invaded by pests and varmin. It's that simple.

sounds like the dump you raise your shit stained kids in is already "invaded". there is a reason they keep coming back. clean your fucking filth and they will have no reason to come around.
If you want to invite them into your yard by feeding them that's your choice more power to you. I don't want them on my property. I work hard on this property to have it invaded by pests and varmin. It's that simple.

We used to have flocks of American Goldfinches during the summer. They would perch in the Navajo Willows in our front yard. Hundreds of them. It looked like a Christmas tree with bird ornaments. Then the cats started showing up. The flocks disappeared. The cats destroyed the nests as well as killing the breeding pairs. I used to find dozens of nests and broken eggs on the ground. I saw cats carrying Goldfinches in their mouths. The birds disappeared. Last summer we had 2 pair take up residence in our yard again. It has been over a decade since we had them in our yard. Two days ago I saw a feral cat carrying a dead one in its mouth. It made me sick. I love animals but I don't love animals that don't belong here. Native species don't have a chance against the claws, speed, teeth, leaping abilities of cats.
We used to have flocks of American Goldfinches during the summer. They would perch in the Navajo Willows in our front yard. Hundreds of them. It looked like a Christmas tree with bird ornaments. Then the cats started showing up. The flocks disappeared. The cats destroyed the nests as well as killing the breeding pairs. I used to find dozens of nests and broken eggs on the ground. I saw cats carrying Goldfinches in their mouths. The birds disappeared. Last summer we had 2 pair take up residence in our yard again. It has been over a decade since we had them in our yard. Two days ago I saw a feral cat carrying a dead one in its mouth. It made me sick. I love animals but I don't love animals that don't belong here. Native species don't have a chance against the claws, speed, teeth, leaping abilities of cats.

you obviously are doing nothing to help then. next time just pull the trigger on yourself. worries over. :)
me and everyone else in this thread. loser.

Why? Because I have a different way of dealing with PESTS??? Because I'm not so childish as to resort to name calling,assumptions of how ones kids are raised or their living conditions? You sir a truly childish. But its ok. I'm sure you're very stressed out and enjoy taking it out on strangers. Or maybe just trying to make sure his name is remembered while he's shacked up with bubba. I don't know. I don't care.
Why? Because I have a different way of dealing with PESTS??? Because I'm not so childish as to resort to name calling,assumptions of how ones kids are raised or their living conditions? You sir a truly childish. But its ok. I'm sure you're very stressed out and enjoy taking it out on strangers. Or maybe just trying to make sure his name is remembered while he's shacked up with bubba. I don't know. I don't care.

scared of cats hurting your piece of shit family. and you try to put me on blast. you're a shit stain loser dude. nothing you say can touch me. i'm on my way to prison and i still have more class than you. why don't you log off and go do something with your vermin children? or just stay here and gloat in your lack of humanity.
Aaanyway. Feral cats in the U.S. are an ecological disaster. Taking them to a shelter accomplishes the same exact thing. No one can adopt a feral cat. They're wild and not afraid of humans. A dangerous combination. Shelters destroy them. They don't adopt them out. That's what happens in the grown-up world.
scared of cats hurting your piece of shit family. and you try to put me on blast. you're a shit stain loser dude. nothing you say can touch me. i'm on my way to prison and i still have more class than you. why don't you log off and go do something with your vermin children? or just stay here and gloat in your lack of humanity.

Seriously man its okay. I understand why you're lashing out. Does somebody need a hug?
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