The fuck cats thread


Well-Known Member
id rather tip a litter tray into a bin bag than scrape a steamy dog shit up with my fingers and a plastic bag on the high street .
If you live more rurally you can just grab a shovel and throw it into the woods. I love dogs, I like cats, I totally see your point on picking up the dog shit with the plastic bags. I never owned an urban dog, I always kinda laugh at those people, and yell at them if they let their dog shit in my front yard without picking it up. lol


Well-Known Member
Only huge dogs and other certain breeds slobber.

They won't have bad breaths if you give them dental treats.

Umm, wash your dog...

How close is your face next to the shit?

Better than cleaning a litter box...
my cats go outside, dig a hole, shit in it, then they BURY IT. all on their own. :clap:

let's see a dog do that. :)

better yet, ...



New Member
Seems like a waste of cat liter, but I guess whatever gets the job done for you. I can tell you're a little bit busy or possibly just lazy to take care of animals and like little maintence as possible, in that case, a cat would be perfect for you. I never disputed that cats were more independed but dogs are more fun, even if they do require a little bit more maintenance, they're always willing to play.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
this really is like compairing birds to fish , cats n dogs are two totaly different species both have there ups and downs .
but yeah FUCK DOGS .


New Member
my cats go outside, dig a hole, shit in it, then they BURY IT. all on their own. :clap:

let's see a dog do that. :)

better yet, ...

You can train dogs to shit in a toilet too, and most likely burry it.


New Member
"most likely"? :?

you don't have 5 seconds and google? and you call cat owners lazy? :roll:
Well I seen a dog drive a toy car before, sooo...I'm gonna say yes, I don't see it being that difficult for them to learn.

Yes, you can teach a dog to bury it's shit.


New Member
My dog is potty trained to go on a mat that I fold up and throw away, so it's actually easier than cleaning a liter box. I never said I would or have, just saying it's possible, it was a response to Fdd.

meechz 024

Active Member
My dog is potty trained to go on a mat that I fold up and throw away, so it's actually easier than cleaning a liter box. I never said I would or have, just saying it's possible, it was a response to Fdd.
What's the smell like in your house? I imagine a shit covered mat would provide a wonderful scent in your living quarters.


Well-Known Member
debate? seriously? i'm sorry i had no idea this was a debate.

i don't own a dog because i'd rather have a cat. it's a personal preference to me, not a "debate". wjy do so many dog owners come off as having to PROVE something. must be due to their tiny penises. :)

fuck dogs, they KILL people. (am i back in the lead?) lol
cats can kill people! They still carry the bubonic plague!
Man develops BUBONIC PLAGUE from stray cat bite and narrowly escapes death... but will have fingers and toes amputated
Paul Gaylord, who hit national headlines when he contracted the disease and spent a month on life support

Woman contracts THE PLAGUE after being bitten by choking stray cat that she tried to save
Woman bitten by cat choking on rodent in Oregon

I might have wanted to die if I was this guy! hands and feet gone!


Well-Known Member
id rather tip a litter tray into a bin bag than scrape a steamy dog shit up with my fingers and a plastic bag on the high street .
My hands don't come with in 3ft dog shit! I have a little shovel and rake kit made just for picking up dog poop. My dogs like a clean yard so all three of them poop in the same corner. I go clean dog poop once every 4 or 5 days and it takes less than 3 min total! I'm not wasting plastic bags and filling the land fills with kitty litter and plastic, it just goes in my yard waste bin.


Well-Known Member
And I think anyone will agree that birds are better than fish lol.

I don't know about that. they are both pretty worthless house animals. Every house I've been to that has a bird cage, smells like bird cage! Sure a few birds talk but that isn't enough to have a bird cage. At least with fish you can watch them eat smaller fish, survival of the fittest shit! Not just eating some seeds and shitting a lot!