The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual


Active Member
Update on my situation here. I got hit hard with slime again last week so I've been dealing with that. My batch of 7 has caught up to my batch of 10. They're all running the same PPM (450-500), then my other 5 are at 600.

Been about 5 days since I started treating the slime I got hit with, here's what everything looks like. I've included a video on the bottom because the root growth is crazy. None of them had roots 4 days ago now they're all like bam.



Active Member
Got a bunch of cloning supplies today and hit up about 30 today.

My last batch of 30 didn't take. I got 2 out of them, but I re-cloned 9 of them today. I've never done that before, so I'm wondering if they will take LOL. I did it my usual way this time.

They still looked so good I didn't wanna throw em out D=



Active Member
Switched out all the buckets today after spraying the roots with h2o2 solution.

I did that to get rid of the remaining brown slime that was on them. All my slime is basically gone now so hopefully my plants grow good now.

I set all the PPM's at 700. Probably too high on half of them, I'll check tomorrow and probably lower the ppm on some of them if they look burned.

Can't wait until I can put them in the bud room....