The forbidden TRUTH

^ I can't wait to explain your post in detail, however it will have to wait until tomorrow quite busy now..
Also you seem very angry, I assume you're a mason or something.
You have the discernment of a pea. Expected no more from you. Study up now. Spew someone elses regurgitated nonsense at me. I'll be anxiously awaiting your expert exegesis.
First, wine originated in China... not 'from god'. Asshat.


GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, "Get the fuck out of here, really???" My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...
GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, "Get the fuck out of here, really???" My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...

Sweet tap dancing Jesus GD. You couldn't form an original thought of your very own if the life of one of your children depended on it. It really is truly pathetic.
You think you are winning and no one is seeing this but what you don't realize is that this already happened and who ever see's it see's it.

Even if it's just you, then you are the one meant to see it, GOD is giving you the opportunity to change working for you current masters and work for THE ALLMIGHTY ETERNAL GOD. And not be Destroyed by Eternal Burning but instead have your Sins forgotten and inherit the Kingdome of Heaven Hallelujah!

Your blood is not on my hands I told you...

Your concept of "proof" is laughable at best.

GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, "Get the fuck out of here, really???" My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...

GD, I think you must have missed my post. Here it is once more...

GD, I just found out that not all YT videos contain valid information. Some even suggest that some YT videos are filled with misinformation and outright lies! I was like, "Get the fuck out of here, really???" My question to you is, how does one go about discerning the videos that contain valid, peer reviewed info, from the ones that are almost completely erroneous? I'd love to know your method, please explain. Thank you...

In other words, if the YouTube site went down for a prolonged period, how would you be able to feed or dress yourself?

Ceppea I don't know weather this is your Job or you're just a satanist mason but you have literally shown complete insanity and
continue to show how obvious all of this is and how you know the truth but continue to want to fail knowing the punishment for joining the enemy aka satan.

I don't care if you cover this up with spam or if you even read it but the point is....
... I know you know, and you know I know what's going on here so. As I said from the beginning GOD is awesome and if you continue this path of rebellion it leads to place where death will not be granted.