The forbidden TRUTH

It IS the only choice you CAN make, because god knows it's going to happen.

If god only suspected you would make a certain choice, it would be different. But the fact that god is apparently CERTAIN of your choices makes the possibility of another choice impossible.

You don't seem to understand. God gave you free will. Do you doubt this? Is someone pulling your strings? Or are you free to do as you please?
You don't seem to understand. God gave you free will.
I understand the concept of free will intimately. I studied it while doing my degree in Philosophy. No I don't think god exists, or gave us free will.

Do you doubt this? Is someone pulling your strings? Or are you free to do as you please?

Determinism and fatalism are not the same thing. Fate means people are pulling the strings, determinism means that the choices you make are the only ones you could have made. Huge difference but it takes an understanding of some philosophical concepts that are frequently discussed in academic philosophy circles.

If after making a decision, time were 'rewound' without your knowledge, would you make the same decision again or would you choose something else? The answer, at least intuitively, is taht you would make the same choice. All the variables leading up to you making that decision would be identical. So, how can 2+2=4 once, but 2+2=5 the second time?

It can't.
I understand the concept of free will intimately. I studied it while doing my degree in Philosophy. No I don't think god exists, or gave us free will.

Determinism and fatalism are not the same thing. Fate means people are pulling the strings, determinism means that the choices you make are the only ones you could have made. Huge difference but it takes an understanding of some philosophical concepts that are frequently discussed in academic philosophy circles.

If after making a decision, time were 'rewound' without your knowledge, would you make the same decision again or would you choose something else? The answer, at least intuitively, is taht you would make the same choice. All the variables leading up to you making that decision would be identical. So, how can 2+2=4 once, but 2+2=5 the second time?

It can't.

Well, you know what they say about philosophy. It doesn't amount to squat.
Well, you know what they say about philosophy. It doesn't amount to squat.
It teaches people how to use logic and reason. And not the type of 'logic' that most people throw around. Real truth function logic and Aristotelian logic. It teaches critical thinking faculties.....

Religion indoctrinates people, usually at a young age, and quaffs logic and reason with dogma and superstition.

What do you say to my points posted above? Would you make the same decisions the second time?
It teaches people how to use logic and reason. And not the type of 'logic' that most people throw around. Real truth function logic and Aristotelian logic. It teaches critical thinking faculties.....

Actually, if you want to learn a bit about logic and reason I would suggest picking up software engineering. But sure philosophy is cool too...

Religion indoctrinates people, usually at a young age, and quaffs logic and reason with dogma and superstition.

I think you're confusing religion with organized religion.

You seem very unlearned in religion. I would suggest doing a bit of research before you so readily dismiss things. Otherwise how are you any better than those that scoffed at Pythagoras when he told them the world was round. You lack any evidence to dispute it yet just on the bandwagon out of foolishness.

Also I'm not sure what you think quaff means but here ya go.

verb: quaff; 3rd person present: quaffs; past tense: quaffed; past participle:quaffed; gerund or present participle: quaffing
  1. 1.
    drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily.
    synonyms:drink, swallow, gulp (down), guzzle, slurp, down, empty;More
noun: quaff; plural noun: quaffs
  1. 1.
    an alcoholic drink.
early 16th century: probably imitative of the sound of drinking.
If I made a creation and it became some evil spawn of satan and was killing things.. I would utterly destroy it.. I can't let it continue to be Evil after I created it.

And I would be very angry that it became evil with the freewill I gave after it.

Instead of making it a mindless robot, I would of made a outstanding miracle blessing.....Not to mention is created.. Life.. Cognitive thought, in a Human Body Form. HIS form.

And it attempts to mock me and slander my name by doing and saying evil?

And I warned it, and even sacrificed My Son by nailing Him to a Cross just so it has the ability to stop being evil and live.

But it continued to not stop but increase and mock the sacrifice which I did t save it.

I would send it to Hell...

Killing and raping and torturing people yeah..... Lake of Fire..

ghost where did death come from and why?
Actually, if you want to learn a bit about logic and reason I would suggest picking up software engineering. But sure philosophy is cool too...

I think you're confusing religion with organized religion.

You seem very unlearned in religion. I would suggest doing a bit of research before you so readily dismiss things. Otherwise how are you any better than those that scoffed at Pythagoras when he told them the world was round. You lack any evidence to dispute it yet just on the bandwagon out of foolishness.

Also I'm not sure what you think quaff means but here ya go.

verb: quaff; 3rd person present: quaffs; past tense: quaffed; past participle:quaffed; gerund or present participle: quaffing
  1. 1.
    drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily.
    synonyms:drink, swallow, gulp (down), guzzle, slurp, down, empty;More
noun: quaff; plural noun: quaffs
  1. 1.
    an alcoholic drink.
early 16th century: probably imitative of the sound of drinking.
You are absolutely correct. I used the term quaff incorrectly, I was thinking of 'stifled'.

I actually was a break/fix technician (MCSA, CCNA, A+) and an electrician apprentice before my current career. I know Boolean algebra and how to program programmable logic circuits.

That's not the type of logic I'm referring to when I talk about religion. No and/or gates or nand/nor gates...

I was baptized, went to Sunday school and church. I've spent a lot of time reading about Christianity in general, and although I'm no expert, I'm not unlearned with regards to it either.

While it's true that absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence, the burden of proof lies on the person making the claim, not on the person rejecting it.
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]Early English settlers in America viewed the right to arms and/or the right to bear arms and/or state militias as important for one or more of these purposes.
  • deterring tyrannical government
  • repelling invasion;
facilitating a natural right or self defense.
  • participating in law enforcement;

What are the odds that this is all coincidence?
Also I want to state I'm not a anonymous. I'm a servant for the Lord. And I'm against satanic occultism. AKA illuminati Praise GOD and Praise the son of GOD JESUS CHRIST.
28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. - Matthew chapter 10
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--Pay no attention to the background pic it's a song Kind David wrote the nephilim slayer.

Here is another in the Hebrew Langue, which David actually Sang in.

satanist are coming to kill the masses.

Son of GOD will be coming soon. This martial law thing won't last long.
Revelations is coming...
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I was baptized, went to Sunday school and church. I've spent a lot of time reading about Christianity in general, and although I'm no expert, I'm not unlearned with regards to it either.

While it's true that absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence, the burden of proof lies on the person making the claim, not on the person rejecting it.

The burden of proof can't be put on god. It's us trying to make god meet our standards.

I am no expert in biblical scripture either, but I do give it the benefit of the doubt. The bible can be hard to understand when a single Hebrew word can be translated into three or four different meanings.

I'm currently reading Ken Johnson's book Bible Prophesies Revealed.
If you want to see some prophecies revealed up to 2006 this is a great book. The author seems to have the standard Christian biases bu overall a really interesting read. This guy is a pro at unraveling prophecies.

The 3 Books of Enoch, the Book of Jasher, and the Dead Sea Scrolls are all great reads too. They fill in a lot of questions the Bible doesn't answer.
I dont believe that this thread has converted anyone.

The Christians are still Christian; and the Atheists are still Atheist. I am still an Agnostic Theist.

I will fully believe in God, when God is fully proven. I will remain skeptical of God, because God is not proven. I would rather there be an omnibenevolent God, compared to no God at all; because I would love there to be a loving Friend (God) that has My best wishes in mind. I just cant believe in an "invisible sky daddy".

I dont believe that this thread has biased anyone, due to lack of proof of God.

Here's a sample from Ken Johnson's book Bible Prophesies Revealed.

First, we need to read a couple passages of scripture though.

Ezekiel 4:4 “Now lie on your left side and place the sins of Israel on yourself. You are to bear their sins for the number of days you lie there on your side.5 I am requiring you to bear Israel’s sins for 390 days—one day for each year of their sin. 6 After that, turn over and lie on your right side for 40 days—one day for each year of Judah’s sin.

"In this passage the sin of Israel and Judah was 390 years and 40 years. To symbolize this, Ezekiel had to lie on his left side for 390 days, a day for each year of Israel's sin, and 40 days for Judah's sin. The total time then was 430 years of sin. The Babylonian captivity took up 70 years of this punishment, leaving 360 years."

Then we look at Leviticus;

Leviticus 26:14 “‘But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands,15 and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, 16 then I will do this to you: I will bring on you sudden terror, wasting diseases and feverthat will destroy your sight and sap your strength. You will plant seed in vain, because your enemies will eat it. 17 I will set my face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee even when no one is pursuing you.

18 “‘If after all this you will not listen to me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over.

"Here God declares that if Israel does not repent after Babylonian captivity, when Cyrus freed Israel, then the remaining time would be multiplied sevenfold. If you multiply 360 years by seven you get 2520 prophetical years."

Now for some Maths.

After serving 70 years of the punishment for not accepting Jesus as their Lord they are left with 360 years.

But since the Jews went back to their same routine god punished them sevenfold.

So now 360 x 7 = 2,520 prophetic years.
2,520 x 360 = 907,220 days.

907,220 days on the modern calendar is
2,483 years and 285 days.

August 3, 537BC (when Cyrus freed the Jews) + 2,483 years = August 3, 1946AD.

Now we just add one year, since there is no 0 year between between 1bc and 1ad.

We get 1947ad. Now add the 285 days and we will get May 14, AD 1948.

The same day Israel was declared a sovereign state by the UN!

This is just one of the 500 prophecies revealed. Check this book out if you want some proof of scripture being fulfilled.
The Almighty GOD destroys evil, do you like evil?
I Hate evil, these illuminati occultist killing children with chemical gas and you think this is okay? No..
They will be going to the Lake of Fire for eternity.

This has nothing to do with what I posted, another strawman to argue against to avoid dealing with my points. Typical of you. I do not like evil, and I wouldn't have either created it, or allowed it to be created. Your god did that...
GOD has sacrificed HIS only beloved son so when we go before GOD, we can live and not be destroyed.
And are now GOD's children that inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.
The world will be made new and those who did not go to the lake of fire will inherit it.
Again, nothing here addressing what I said. Human sacrifice is barbaric, and not a morality I would subscribe to...
Because GOD's presence destroys evil. GOD has literally had HIS Son LORD JESUS CHRIST with HIS HOLY blood be tortured, humiliated, and crucified to save anyone who seeks salvation in this pivotal point in time which has begun to revolt against their MAKER.

Boo-hoo, how boring. Simply more proof of a lunatic deity...
GOD can do anything, and GOD has chosen to save mankind after they blaspheme and curse and defy HIM by sacrificing HIS only begotten Son.
Well, he made us this way, maybe he shouldn't have done that. Since he can do anything, he could just forgive with killing his child. What a psychotic solution, I'm not impressed...
This is why GOD alone is Good, because GOD can do anything and nobody could ever stop GOD. But GOD being Good has decided to show unfathomable love, mercy, and complete awesomeness. To each and everyone of us and GOD never does wrong with HIS power.

You just mentioned acts your god performed that are not moral or good. You seem to be saying that god's actions are good BECAUSE he does them. Might does not make right. He may be a monster to be feared, but he is not good...
Only GOD can handle the POWER and not use it for evil.
Yet, he chooses to, anyway...
Look at today's Politicians and Presidents sacrificing children at the grove with prostitutes, doing demonic worship.
Their power is nothing compared to GOD which IS the POWER and the GLORY forever and ever.
And they have become completely and utterly corrupted.
There is no empirical evidence for any of this, you live in a comic book...
Imagine if you could do anything, you guys would be destroying people without reason and making things for yourself, just having massive orgy's all day and killing everyone you don't our already did fornicate with.

No family values, nothing beautiful, just evil.... GOD has given you more then you can fathom, and is THE MOST HOLY.
You have no idea what any of us would do, your post only shows your own dark mind and tendencies. In psychology, this is called projecting...
I hope you guys are taking time to go outside and enjoy what GOD has made. Sunlight Good, pale unhealthy skin bad
Yes, nature is wonderful with or without deities...