Evidence from comparative physiology and biochemistry
See also:
Common descent,
Last universal ancestor,
Most recent common ancestor,
Timeline of evolution,
Timeline of human evolution and
Universal Code (Biology)

While on board
HMS Beagle,
Charles Darwin collected numerous specimens, many new to science, which supported his later theory of evolution by
natural selection.
One of the strongest evidences for common descent comes from the study of gene sequences.
Comparative sequence analysis examines the relationship between the DNA sequences of different species,
[1] producing several lines of evidence that confirm Darwin's original hypothesis of common descent. If the hypothesis of common descent is true, then species that share a common ancestor inherited that ancestor's DNA sequence, as well as mutations unique to that ancestor. More closely related species have a greater fraction of identical sequence and shared substitutions compared to more distantly related species.
The simplest and most powerful evidence is provided by
phylogenetic reconstruction. Such reconstructions, especially when done using slowly evolving protein sequences, are often quite robust and can be used to reconstruct a great deal of the evolutionary history of modern organisms (and even in some instances of the evolutionary history of extinct organisms, such as the recovered gene sequences of
mammoths or
Neanderthals). These reconstructed phylogenies recapitulate the relationships established through morphological and biochemical studies. The most detailed reconstructions have been performed on the basis of the mitochondrial genomes shared by all
eukaryotic organisms, which are short and easy to sequence; the broadest reconstructions have been performed either using the sequences of a few very ancient proteins or by using
ribosomal RNA sequence.
Phylogenetic relationships also extend to a wide variety of nonfunctional sequence elements, including repeats, transposons, pseudogenes, and mutations in protein-coding sequences that do not result in changes in amino-acid sequence. While a minority of these elements might later be found to harbor function, in aggregate they demonstrate that identity must be the product of common descent rather than common function.
Universal biochemical organisation and molecular variance patterns
All known
extant (surviving) organisms are based on the same biochemical processes: genetic information encoded as nucleic acid (
DNA, or
RNA for many viruses), transcribed into
RNA, then translated into
proteins (that is, polymers of
amino acids) by highly conserved
ribosomes. Perhaps most tellingly, the
Genetic Code (the "translation table" between DNA and amino acids) is the same for almost every organism, meaning that a piece of
DNA in a
bacterium codes for the same amino acid as in a human
ATP is used as energy currency by all extant life. A deeper understanding of
developmental biology shows that common morphology is, in fact, the product of shared genetic elements.
[2] For example, although camera-like eyes are believed to have evolved independently on many separate occasions,
[3] they share a common set of light-sensing proteins (
opsins), suggesting a common point of origin for all sighted creatures.
[4][5] Another noteworthy example is the familiar vertebrate body plan, whose structure is controlled by the homeobox (Hox) family of genes.
DNA sequencing
Comparison of the DNA sequences allows organisms to be grouped by sequence similarity, and the resulting
phylogenetic trees are typically congruent with traditional
taxonomy, and are often used to strengthen or correct taxonomic classifications. Sequence comparison is considered a measure robust enough to correct erroneous assumptions in the phylogenetic tree in instances where other evidence is scarce. For example, neutral human DNA sequences are approximately 1.2% divergent (based on substitutions) from those of their nearest genetic relative, the
chimpanzee, 1.6% from
gorillas, and 6.6% from
[6][7] Genetic sequence evidence thus allows inference and quantification of genetic relatedness between humans and other
[8][9] The sequence of the
16S ribosomal RNA gene, a vital gene encoding a part of the
ribosome, was used to find the broad phylogenetic relationships between all extant life. The analysis, originally done by
Carl Woese, resulted in the
three-domain system, arguing for two major splits in the early evolution of life. The first split led to modern
Bacteria and the subsequent split led to modern
Archaea and
Some DNA sequences are shared by very different organisms. It has been predicted by the theory of evolution that the differences in such DNA sequences between two organisms should roughly resemble both the biological difference between them according to their
anatomy and the time that had passed since these two organisms have separated in the course of evolution, as seen in
fossil evidence. The rate of accumulating such changes should be low for some sequences, namely those that code for critical
RNA or
proteins, and high for others that code for less critical RNA or proteins; but for every specific sequence, the rate of change should be roughly constant over time. These results have been experimentally confirmed. Two examples are DNA sequences coding for
rRNA, which is highly conserved, and DNA sequences coding for
fibrinopeptides (
amino acid chains that are discarded during the formation of
fibrin), which are highly non-conserved.
Endogenous retroviruses