The forbidden TRUTH

No sir, GOD talks to me by revealing things to me, and with signs of awesome power and blessings.
There is no way you can demonstrate that. What you say are signs, I say are coincidences and confirmation bias. (Look it up!)

Glory to GOD They Key to happiness is a relationship with GOD, and the key to that has been made through GOD's sacrifice of HIS Son. Which Lord Christ willing laid down. Jesus Christ knows his people, and his people know him.
Man, you're really making things worse for yourself, do you know what your doing? Despite all the things I have said and options to discover the truth that lay before you, you continue to mock GOD. If you don't think insulting someone on a thread when people are trying to discover the truth about life is ignorant I strongly disagree, This is a serious thread for people who want to have serious questions now I have answered all your repetitive question about free will numerous times along with others questions. Now you just comment leaving insults in vain. That is the definition of trolling.
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.
No sir, GOD talks to me by revealing things to me, and with signs of awesome power and blessings. Glory to GOD They Key to happiness is a relationship with GOD, and the key to that has been made through GOD's sacrifice of HIS Son. Which Lord Christ willing laid down. Jesus Christ knows his people, and his people know him.

Blahblahblahblahblaw.Dude I dont.I had a friend who told me god had cured him of his meth addiction, I told Him No...You People need a god because you never give yourself credit for amazing thing's.Maybe some issues.I Own my destiny and I have No God To Thank For It.All Thiest's just simply aren't buying the shit and every year the believer's are seeing the business that goes on and realizing that there is something even more spectacular than any God.Cosmos Dr Niel Degrass Tyson...Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
Blahblahblahblahblaw.Dude I dont.I had a friend who told me god had cured him of his meth addiction, I told Him No...You People need a god because you never give yourself credit for amazing thing's.Maybe some issues.I Own my destiny and I have No God To Thank For It.All Thiest's just simply aren't buying the shit and every year the believer's are seeing the business that goes on and realizing that there is something even more spectacular than any God.Cosmos Dr Niel Degrass Tyson...Ignorance is no longer an excuse.
You sound like a mad man, try prayer and repentance. Call out to GOD and JESUS CHRIST seriously your body and soul dies in sin, YOUR ARE GOING TO GET JUDGED fear judgment not death. I promise the EVIL people of this world who Kill, rape, and do the works of satan who love there sin and die loving it, those who will not repent, and will not bow to GOD, and hate righteousness will not rest in the ground like atheist wish, but will be burned forever and never escape the burning lake of fire.
Durden some questions! I have already given the answers but I will gladly repeat without the old copy n paste, now there was two actual questions in your tirade
1. Proof the HOLY BIBLE is right others isnt
2. Proof the Book of Enoch was real but removed by the catholic church
You know what I will count the why isn't anyone responding thing as a legit questions so 3! three serious questions.
1. The Holy BIBLE is the only book that does not ever contradict it's self, all these other religions revolve around warping the Old Testament with major contradictions as a result. Also Jesus fulfilled every prophecy mentioned in the Old testament of the coming messiah.

Dude, you have GOT to be a troll. Even intelligent christians know that the bible is riddled with dozens of major contradictions. I'll list a few here, but you can check out many more here -, or just google it. There's dozens of sites out there...

The Bible is riddled with repetitions and contradictions, things that the Bible bangers would be quick to point out in anything that they want to criticize. For instance, Genesis 1 and 2 disagree about the order in which things are created, and how satisfied God is about the results of his labors. The flood story is really two interwoven stories that contradict each other on how many of each kind of animal are to be brought into the Ark--is it one pair each or seven pairs each of the "clean" ones? The Gospel of John disagrees with the other three Gospels on the activities of Jesus Christ (how long had he stayed in Jerusalem--a couple of days or a whole year?) and all four Gospels contradict each other on the details of Jesus Christ's last moments and resurrection. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke contradict each other on the genealogy of Jesus Christ's father; though both agree that Joseph was not his real father. Repetitions and contradictions are understandable for a hodgepodge collection of documents, but not for some carefully constructed treatise, reflecting a well-thought-out plan.

Of the various methods I've seen to "explain" these:

1. "That is to be taken metaphorically." In other words, what is written is not what is meant. I find this entertaining, especially for those who decide what ISN'T to be taken as other than the absolute WORD OF GOD--which just happens to agree with the particular thing they happen to want...

2. "There was more there than...." This is used when one verse says "there was a" and another says "there was b," so they decide there was "a" AND "b"--which is said nowhere. This makes them happy, since it doesn't say there WASN'T "a+b." But it doesn't say there was "a+b+little green martians." This is often the same crowd that insists theirs is the ONLY possible interpretation (i.e., only "a") and the only way. I find it entertaining they they don't mind adding to verses.

3. "It has to be understood in context." I find this amusing because it comes from the same crowd that likes to push likewise extracted verses that support their particular view. Often it is just one of the verses in the contradictory set which is supposed to be taken as THE TRUTH when, if you add more to it, it suddenly becomes "out of context." How many of you have gotten JUST John 3:16 (taken out of all context) thrown at you?

4. "There was just a copying/writing error." This is sometimes called a "transcription error," as in where one number was meant and an incorrect one was copied down. Or what was "quoted" wasn't really what was said, but just what the author thought was said. And that's right--I'm not disagreeing with events, I'm disagreeing with what is WRITTEN. Which is apparently agreed that it is incorrect. This is an amusing misdirection to the problem that the Bible itself is wrong.

5. "That is a miracle." Naturally. That is why it is stated as fact.

6. "God works in mysterious ways." A useful dodge when the speaker doesn't understand the conflict between what the Bible SAYS and what they WISH it said.

2. Proof The Book Of Enoch is real- In the HOLY BIBLE read Genesis and JUDE. It's very soon in Genesis and it mentions how God took Enoch, also there are two Enochs. The Scribe Of Righteousness is mentioned after the first and is in the line of King David. Jude is a chapter by it's self in the HOLY BIBLE read it, it's about a page and will verify The Book Of Enoch.

I didn't ask you if the enoch book is real, I asked you how we can know that it is credible. You cannot use the bible to support the book of enoch, as the bible is not a credible source. It's like someone saying that all the events in Star Wars really happened, and when someone else asks how we know this, the first person says that it is supported by Indiana Jones. WTF?

3. No one replying but heathens- I have sent out many links referring to this thread which has contributed to the large numbers of views, many I assume are not members of RIU so cannot comment. Also there is a very, very small number of people who worship GOD and His Son Lord Christ.

Yes, a very small number. Just over 2 billion. Do you not know anything about this religion on which you base your life? There are many, many christians on RIU and they are not showing support for you or your 'teachings'. You are ineffective. There were many more questions in my post above, the fact that you could only decipher three is very telling of your mental abilities. You are either a troll or a joke of a person, I'd like to think it's the former...
You sound like a mad man, try prayer and repentance. Call out to GOD and JESUS CHRIST seriously your body and soul dies in sin, YOUR ARE GOING TO GET JUDGED fear judgment not death. I promise the EVIL people of this world who Kill, rape, and do the works of satan who love there sin and die loving it, those who will not repent, and will not bow to GOD, and hate righteousness will not rest in the ground like atheist wish, but will be burned forever and never escape the burning lake of fire.

Nah, we'll be fine...
Glory to GOD that I may be a light in the darkness, and persecuted for the word of GOD! Glory to GOD and my Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever!

Now we can begin to see your true agenda: start a thread to look purposefully pathetic, be persecuted by the heathens and get beaten down so that you may get off masochistically (again and again, you're insatiable) like that jebus guy, and by so doing you attain glory through your martyr complex. Worked like a charm, too...
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I didn't ask you if the enoch book is real, I asked you how we can know that it is credible. You cannot use the bible to support the book of enoch, as the bible is not a credible source. It's like someone saying that all the events in Star Wars really happened, and when someone else asks how we know this, the first person says that it is supported by Indiana Jones. WTF?

You mean just because they're both Lucas films doesn't make either of them true? HOW DARE YOU.

I demand you pray to the little lord baby Jesus.

Dude, you have GOT to be a troll. Even intelligent christians know that the bible is riddled with dozens of major contradictions. I'll list a few here, but you can check out many more here -, or just google it. There's dozens of sites out there...

The Bible is riddled with repetitions and contradictions, things that the Bible bangers would be quick to point out in anything that they want to criticize. For instance, Genesis 1 and 2 disagree about the order in which things are created, and how satisfied God is about the results of his labors. The flood story is really two interwoven stories that contradict each other on how many of each kind of animal are to be brought into the Ark--is it one pair each or seven pairs each of the "clean" ones? The Gospel of John disagrees with the other three Gospels on the activities of Jesus Christ (how long had he stayed in Jerusalem--a couple of days or a whole year?) and all four Gospels contradict each other on the details of Jesus Christ's last moments and resurrection. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke contradict each other on the genealogy of Jesus Christ's father; though both agree that Joseph was not his real father. Repetitions and contradictions are understandable for a hodgepodge collection of documents, but not for some carefully constructed treatise, reflecting a well-thought-out plan.

Of the various methods I've seen to "explain" these:

1. "That is to be taken metaphorically." In other words, what is written is not what is meant. I find this entertaining, especially for those who decide what ISN'T to be taken as other than the absolute WORD OF GOD--which just happens to agree with the particular thing they happen to want...

2. "There was more there than...." This is used when one verse says "there was a" and another says "there was b," so they decide there was "a" AND "b"--which is said nowhere. This makes them happy, since it doesn't say there WASN'T "a+b." But it doesn't say there was "a+b+little green martians." This is often the same crowd that insists theirs is the ONLY possible interpretation (i.e., only "a") and the only way. I find it entertaining they they don't mind adding to verses.

3. "It has to be understood in context." I find this amusing because it comes from the same crowd that likes to push likewise extracted verses that support their particular view. Often it is just one of the verses in the contradictory set which is supposed to be taken as THE TRUTH when, if you add more to it, it suddenly becomes "out of context." How many of you have gotten JUST John 3:16 (taken out of all context) thrown at you?

4. "There was just a copying/writing error." This is sometimes called a "transcription error," as in where one number was meant and an incorrect one was copied down. Or what was "quoted" wasn't really what was said, but just what the author thought was said. And that's right--I'm not disagreeing with events, I'm disagreeing with what is WRITTEN. Which is apparently agreed that it is incorrect. This is an amusing misdirection to the problem that the Bible itself is wrong.

5. "That is a miracle." Naturally. That is why it is stated as fact.

6. "God works in mysterious ways." A useful dodge when the speaker doesn't understand the conflict between what the Bible SAYS and what they WISH it said. Genesis 1 and two 2 contradicts it's self LOL.. How so?

I didn't ask you if the enoch book is real, I asked you how we can know that it is credible. You cannot use the bible to support the book of enoch, as the bible is not a credible source. It's like someone saying that all the events in Star Wars really happened, and when someone else asks how we know this, the first person says that it is supported by Indiana Jones. WTF?

Yes, a very small number. Just over 2 billion. Do you not know anything about this religion on which you base your life? There are many, many christians on RIU and they are not showing support for you or your 'teachings'. You are ineffective. There were many more questions in my post above, the fact that you could only decipher three is very telling of your mental abilities. You are either a troll or a joke of a person, I'd like to think it's the former...

You sir are a liar LOL or cannot understand the word of GOD, The HOLY BIBLE contradicts it's self LOL didn't we just go over how the only Scripture that's HOLY and not contradicting is THE HOLY BIBLE? The section of the Flood contradicting it's self lol how so? Unclean animals? There is unclean food, that you can't eat. A dead animal is unclean, not a living. All the animals you see today were in the ark, the ones that are dead like Dinosaurs were not.. pretty simple. And no John nor any of the rest of the gospels disagree with the order of events in crucifixion, please show me the quotes you can't understand and I will explain it, we see many times through out the HOLY BIBLE those who do not love GOD do not comprehend. Nothing says anything contradicting about Joseph, he was Marry's husband and although GOD is Jesus Christ father he was the one who lived and saw Jesus grow into a adult. ( also note that Jesus was in heaven before he came to Earth) So list the contradictions you claim and I will vividly, give you a example of how it is you who cannot understand the word of GOD and what's actually being said.
Love you all and I am gladly willing to answer any questions about My Heavenly Father, and My Lord Jesus Christ.
Nah, we'll be fine...
No, You sound like a mad man, try prayer and repentance. Call out to GOD and JESUS CHRIST seriously your body and soul dies in sin, YOUR ARE GOING TO GET JUDGED fear judgment not death. I promise the EVIL people of this world who Kill, rape, and do the works of satan who love there sin and die loving it, those who will not repent, and will not bow to GOD, and hate righteousness will not rest in the ground like atheist wish, but will be burned forever and never escape the burning lake of fire.
You mean just because they're both Lucas films doesn't make either of them true? HOW DARE YOU.

I demand you pray to the little lord baby Jesus.

If one used the HOLY BIBLE to live by, One can communicate with GOD thus proving it's authenticity, and if the HOLY BIBLE then states the book of Enoch is true, then it IS true because, as I said by communicating with GOD, one know the HOLY BIBLE is true.
Pay no attention to the background picture referring to the tribes as races that's not mentioned in The HOLY BIBLE. that's just what some guy added. But listen to the song which was written by King David the one who killed the Giant Nephilim.
This song is sung in Hebrew the original langue it was written by Kind David over 2,000 years ago

You guys keep sharing your cult classic movies which make you feel safe because soo many are willing to revolt with you. The HOLY BIBLE says you heathens and pagans will gather in numbers but will NOT prevail. Just because millions of chose to go to Hell doesn't mean Hell can get full, or GOD will change what's right for those who love evil because of the massive revolt.
You can quote these movies with your little jokes that they say in fight club, pulp fiction, jay and silent bob ,the matrix, lord of the rings, sin city, all this Illuminati trash man, trying to make you feel okay about the decision not to worship GOD but they aren't a excuse, there is no excuse for blaspheme and sinning and not worshiping GOD and Jesus Christ. The option is always there waiting for you to follow the path of righteousness.
( Note : I think the Lord of the rings got this idea of a powerful ring from the testament of Solomon which has also been removed from the HOLY BIBLE by the Catholic Country.)