No clue what youz talking about, but likes all around! My sports career ended when they stop letting me play bc of grades and behavior, thenI dropped out lol. Im pretty competitive when it comes to playing sport, its always great If Im able to snag a game or two when I visit my peeps. First choice would be american football either flag or touch, then soccer,,, you know the sport that does't involve feet whatsoever... Im not too big on b-ball but I'll play. Drunken kickball is always fun too.
Got everyone explanted

they should be happy now. Oh, and this is HILARIOUS,,, poppa smurf is actually a woman, I jumped the gun thinking I was seeing a tiny sack and I was wrong. Two of the last unknowns were male but not what Im looking for. The aftermath resolution, I'll take clones 5-6 weeks in of the finest looking nugs with best plant structure and keep those around until I come across a killer male of whatever I end up running in the future. That was probably the quickest s33d project possible lol Im still irie m0n!