The Flower Power Challenge!


Well-Known Member
So the question is: does flowering time start when you begin the new light cycle( 12/12 )

Or does it begin when flowers are present?
mine show in veg ?????????

my mothers have been flowering for along time. i do understand what you getting at but a plant will finish when it wants to....:joint::peace::mrgreen:
From what Ive experienced...Flowering time begins when the plant begins producing buds in 12/12.

Ive had plants that were mature enough to flower (showing pre-flowers) that didnt start producing buds until a week or so after going into 12/12. I start my counting then....When buds start forming.

Not when they go into 12/12.
Maybe a distinction needs to be made between flowering (showing sex)

And budding (producing buds).

There is a difference.
flowering begins with 12/12 or long nights and short days, regardless of preflowers, when you change the photo period the plant senses this and starts the flowering process..though it may take days to weeks to notice flowers( you should have seen them in veg if grown properly) developing the plant has been in the flowering phase and making changes chemically and physically since the photo period was changed to 12/12..plants contain phytochrome which they use to detect light, soon as the photo period has changed to short days and long nights the pant senses this and begins the flowering process..

Phytochrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many flowering plants use it to regulate the time of flowering based on the length of day and night (photoperiodism) and to set circadian rhythms. It also regulates other responses including the germination of seeds, elongation of seedlings, the size, shape and number of leaves, the synthesis of chlorophyll, and the straightening of the epicotyl or hypocotyldicot seedlings.
there is only one day that there is 12/12 you tell me they all start on that day. plants will flower with 14/10 lights. to many variables.
here is a plant that has been flowering for 7 days. she was put in the flower room seven days ago. this is a plant from clone, momma is well over a year old, and she started out with preflowers at every node.

i started the day count the first day she was in 12/12.


next, i'll show you some others. gimme a minute to upload them in the gallery.
there is only one day that there is 12/12 you tell me they all start on that day. plants will flower with 14/10 lights. to many variables.

i just say 12/12 for the majority of can induce flowering with multiple photo point is just that photo period starts the doesn't have to be 12/12...that's just what we do indoors for a happy medium that will trigger the flowering process in most stains....:mrgreen::mrgreen:you can go 10/14 and most plants will flower even faster than under 12/12 only you will get a smaller yield........
i just say 12/12 for the majority of can induce flowering with multiple photo point is just that photo period starts the doesn't have to be 12/12...that's just what we do indoors for a happy medium that will trigger the flowering process in most stains....:mrgreen::mrgreen:you can go 10/14 and most plants will flower even faster than under 12/12 only you will get a smaller yield........

i know what your saying......i still love you in a nonfaggot way..:joint::peace:

so does it start 12/12 or.....???
here is a plant that has been flowering for 7 days. she was put in the flower room seven days ago. this is a plant from clone, momma is well over a year old, and she started out with preflowers at every node.

i started the day count the first day she was in 12/12.


next, i'll show you some others. gimme a minute to upload them in the gallery.

you changed your mind......


"12/12 will force flower. plants will not always start to flower as soon as you go 12/12 though....

when you see flowers (hairs for female, balls for male) flower has started, and you can start your week count :wink:"
i can't believe seasoned growers don't know when to start the day count.

the day you switch to 12/12 is DAY 1.

is this really a serious debate? :confused::confused:
i do! :blsmoke:

ie, look at the young plants up there. they are three weeks in 12/12. they aren't flowering. no preflowers. nothing but leaves.

they have to be mature to flower.

the first day of 12/12 is the first day of the flowering cycle. i'm done. i passed first grade. later.